Birds Of A Feather

Start from the beginning

(Design made by thekkm)

The owl turns at the two young Babylonians and smiles warmly.

???: Oh, don't stop being adorable because I'm here. I won't mind.

Wave's face flushes with embarrassment.

Wave: Dr. Sophocles, stop teasing us. You're embarrassing me.

Jet smirks and mess with the feathers on his head.

Jet: Hey Doc, sorry for distracting her. Just wanted to say hi is all.

Sophocles shakes his head while chuckling.

Sophocles: Please, you should come more often. She gets to into her work, even when I tell her to take some breaks.

Wave: B-but I'm so close to figuring out the ancient tech that will allow us to use these Extreme Gear boards!!! I can't just take a-

Sophocles raises a finger to stop Wave.

Sophocles: Now now, no more excuses. Jet, will you please take the young lady out of the lab. You have my blessing.

Jet looks at Wave with a warm smile and tips his head.

Jet: Come on, if anyone needs a break, it's you.

Wave looks between the two Babylonians and sighs in reluctance.

Wave: Fine, I'll take a-

Jet grabs Wave's hand and starts dragging her away from the room, both smiling. Sophocles smiles happily and shakes his head.

Sophocles: Oh to be young again.


Storm is leaning against a wall and is speaking to someone.

Storm: -So when the hedgehog summoned his spear, I was gonna smash him but then out of nowhere, an echidna appeared and stop my fist. Can you believe that Tekno?

Storm looks to see a female green canary wearing a red military uniform and a red cap as she's making a high tech rifle.

Storm looks to see a female green canary wearing a red military uniform and a red cap as she's making a high tech rifle

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(Design made by thekkm)

Tekno stops soldering and looks at Storm with confusion.

Tekno: An echidna?! Mate, were you having delusions or something? The echidna's are extinct, we're the only clan left. That's what we've been taught.

Storm: But I'm telling you the truth Tek!! A real life echidna, claws and everything!!!

Tekno shakes her in disbelief.

Tekno: A bloody echidna, I can't believe it. Do you think there might be any badgers and mammoths left?

Storm shrugs.

Storm: Who knows, but it's crazy that some still exist.

Jet: Telling Tek what we went through today?

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