Jiara:Why did you send her away

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Context:In the last oneshot JJ and Kiara's daughter Bailey who's 16 was sent to Kitty Hawk because she cut herself once. Now Kiara and JJ are trying to get her back. Go read my book Home and let me know if it good!!

"Hey Kiara how are you?" Anna said as she opened the door to let JJ and Kiara inside. "Don't hey Kiara me you sent Bailey to Kitty Hawk when I specifically told you not to." Kiara said. "I was doing you a favor she's been out of control." Anna said. "What do you mean she's been out of control?" JJ chimed in. "She's been having an attitude problem and she's been talking back way too much." Anna said. "What does that have to do with sending her to Kitty Hawk." JJ said. "She's turning into a mini Kiara now she's talking back the next thing you know she's having a baby at 16." Anna said. "So you sent her away because you don't want her to end up like me." Kiara said. "Well I" Anna said right as she stopped talking. "You're ashamed of me aren't you Mom." Kiara said. "No I just wish you didn't have a baby so young." Anna said. "So you sent my kid away because of that." Kiara said. "No I found her razor blade that was covered with blood they can help her with her that stuff." Anna said. "I can help her too you didn't need to send her away like that." Kiara said. "Kie I'm sorry I didn't know they would snatch her out of your house." Anna said. "Yea you did. They did the exact same thing to me." Kiara said. "Kie you two need to go find Bailey now they're gonna start drugging her." Mike said. "Drugging what are you talking about." Kiara said. "Kitty Hawk drugs kids now and they've been lying about since you left from there." Mike said. Kiara grabbed her car keys and walked out. "JJ come on." Kiara yelled from the car." JJ ran outside and got in the car. "Bailey's gonna die and it's all my mom's fault." Kiara said. "She's not gonna die Kie." JJ said. "How do you know?" Kiara said. "Because she's half of me she's gonna fight before she gets drugged." JJ said. "You better be right." Kiara said.

"Bailey the more you fight the more you're gonna be drugged." The guy said. "Get your hands off of me. I have to find Kyleigh." Bailey said. "Bailey help." Kyleigh yelled. Bailey broke out of the guys arms and ran over to Kyleigh who was the 7 year old she was rooming with. Kyleigh was just pricked with a numbing drug so her body stared to go numb. "Bailey I can't feel my legs." Kyleigh said. Bailey helped Kyleigh sit on the floor and then put a blanket over her. "If you hear people that are saying my name that sounds like my parents try to get up my mom or dad will help you." Bailey said. "Promise you'll try to come back." Kyleigh said. "I promise unless something happens to me." Bailey said. Bailey put the blanket over Kyleigh and hid in the corner of the room. "Found her." The man said. Bailey started to run but they pricked her with a sedation drug. The men left so Kyleigh crawled over to her. "Bailey wake up." Kyleigh whispered. Kyleigh kept shaking Bailey until she saw someone come into the room. "Bailey." JJ said as she rushed past Kyleigh. "You're Bailey's mommy." Kyleigh said. "I am who are you?" Kiara said. "Kyleigh Bailey was my roommate." Kyleigh said. Kiara picked up Kyleigh and she moved her hair out her face. "You can stay with us ok." Kiara said. "Ok." Kyleigh said. "Come on before they come back." JJ said as he picked Bailey up. Kyleigh laid her head on Kiara's shoulder and she just rubbed her back. "You smell good." Kyleigh said.  "Thank you honey." Kiara said. Kiara carried Kyleigh out while JJ carried Bailey. They then took the girls to the hospital and they found out Kyleigh's parents abandoned her. "Mom you rescued me." Bailey said as she saw Kiara sitting next to her." "Hey baby." Kiara said. "Is Kyleigh ok?" Bailey said. "Bailey." Kyleigh said. "Hey Ky." Bailey said. "Your mommy said I could stay with you." Kyleigh said. "Yea I finally get a little sister." Bailey said. Kyleigh got placed into a room next to Baileys so Kiara stayed with her and JJ stayed with Bailey. "Dad did you bring food?" Bailey asked. "You know I did but I only got one burger since your mom ate the other burger." JJ said. "Can I get half of it." Bailey asked. "Here." JJ said as he gave Bailey the burger. "Thanks." Bailey said. Bailey ate the burger and then went to sleep. "

Here's part two of the other Jiara oneshot let me know if I should do another part.

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