Jiara:the best day of our lives

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Context:Kiara and JJ have a 15 year old daughter who has cancer. Isabella has had cancer for a little over 2 years (she has stomach cancer). Note I do not have cancer or really know the symptoms so this is going to be made up but if you do have or know someone with cancer I wish you the best of luck and hopefully you beat it. (Go check out my book I just posted a new chapter. And let me know if it's a good book or not.)

"JJ can you grab her medicine." Kiara asked. "Yea" JJ said. "I'm gonna die aren't I." Isabella said. "We don't know that Belly." Kiara said. "Her doctor called we need to bring her in." JJ said. "Ok I'll go put her bags in the car." Kiara said as she got up. "Dad I feel dizzy." Isabella said. JJ picked Isabella up and brought her to the car. "I'll sit with her you drive this time." JJ said. "Ok." Kiara said as she shut the trunk. Kiara got into the drivers seat while JJ sat in the back with Isabella. Isabella then threw up on the car floor and started to cry. "Kie are we almost there?" JJ asked. "Yea I think I see Natalie." Kiara said as she parked the car. "Well Bells threw up I'll take the car to get cleaned." JJ said. "Ok is it bad?" Kiara said. "No it's just her fruit from this morning." JJ said. "Mom huggy." Isabella said. "You're burning up come on." Kiara said. "Hey do you need some help?" Natalie said. "Natty you look funny." Isabella said. "She has a fever doesn't she." Natalie said. "Yea" Kiara said. "Let's bring her inside while JJ parks the car." Natalie said as she picked Isabella up. "Is Emmy here?" Isabella said. "Yea she's just a little sick right now." Natalie said. Natalie placed Isabella onto a bed and then took her temperature. "101.3 not too bad." Natalie said. "I'll give her some medicine for it." Natalie said. Natalie walked out of the room to go get the medicine. Kiara sat next to Isabella who was sitting with a bucket in her hand. "Mom I'm gonna die soon you do know that right." Isabella said. "Bella we said we weren't going to talk about you dying since we aren't a hundred percent sure." Kiara said. "Mom they said there's a ninety percent I was gonna die within these next few weeks." Isabella said. "Well maybe you're in the ten percent category and you won't die yet." Kiara said. Isabella just turned on the tv and turned over to the other side.

Two weeks later
"Kie you need to stop pacing around." JJ said. "I can't Bells is unconscious on that bed what if they can't bring her back." Kiara said. "She's a fighter Kie I mean she came two months early for crying out loud." JJ said. "I know but what if her fight is over and she's just gone." Kiara cried. Kiara cried into JJ arms while he just hugged her. Emmy walked over by Kiara and JJ just to ask how Isabella was doing. Emmy joined Kiara and JJs hug since she had beaten her cancer she's been staying with Kiara and JJ. Her parents passed away when she was five due to a car accident and she's been living with them ever since then. The nurses and doctors walked out of the room and went up to Kiara,JJ,and Emmy. "We brought Isabella back and once we run our scans we can see if her cancer is gone and see what caused her to stop breathing." A nurse said. "She's alive for real?" JJ said. "Yes once she's a little more stable we're going to take her to get scanned." The nurse said. "Ok so we can take Emily home right." Kiara said. "Yea she's been your daughter for the past ten years take her home." The nurse said. "I'm gonna take Emily home do you want to stay with Bells?" Kiara asked. "Sure I'll text you with updates." JJ said. Kiara walked out with Emily while JJ went into Isabella's room. "Dad where's mom and Emmy?" Isabella asked. "They went home." JJ said. Isabella tried to sit up on her own but JJ immediately helped her. "Dad I'm capable of doing this on my own." Isabella said. "Hey Bells you ready to go get scanned." Natalie said. "Yea" Isabella said. "Alright JJ we'll be back." Natalie said as she helped Isabella into the wheelchair. Natalie rolled Isabella out of the room and JJ texted Kiara with the news.

JJ just sat in Isabella's room waiting for her to come back. Kiara ended up coming back since her and Emily wanted to know what Isabella's results were. "Did she come back yet?" Kiara asked. "No she just left like 15 minutes ago." JJ said. "I hope her cancer is gone." Emily said. "Me too." Kiara said. "Alright the scans should be back in a few minutes. Natalie said as she wheeled Isabella back into the room. "Can I get dressed?" Isabella asked. "Yea" Natalie said as she walked out. Isabella got changed and Kiara helped her with her hair. Natalie ran into the room all excited with papers in her hand. "You're cancer free." Natalie yelled. Everyone cheered for Isabella as she started to cry. "We'll see you back here in about two months to make sure it's actually gone but you are free to go now." Natalie said. Isabella and Emily looked at each other and asked if they could get donuts since they're both cancer free now. Kiara gave Isabella a huge hug. "Mom." Isabella said. Kiara let go of Isabella then JJ came over and gave her a hug. "My girl is cancer free we can finally go surfing again." JJ said. "Once it's summertime." Emily said. "We can surfing in fifty degree weather." JJ said. "You're not surfing in fifty degree weather." Kiara said. "You're no fun." JJ said. "You guys can go surfing when it gets a little warmer outside." Kiara said. "But I want to go now." JJ whined. "You're not going end of story." Kiara said. "Aww man." JJ said.

Here's another oneshot request I hope you guys like it and for anyone who has cancer or know someone who does I hope you/they beat it.

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