Cleo and Pope:Labor

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Context:Cleo is Nine months pregnant and she goes into Labor. But she doesn't even know who Pope is all she knows is that he is the guy who has a massive crush on her.

"Oooo not now you little rascal." Cleo silently whispered. Cleo was or has been in labor for the past two hours she knew that she had to find someone or go somewhere to get help. "I can stop here at this house." Cleo said to herself. Right as she stopped the car she felt an excruciating pain that made her scream really loud. That's when Pope ran outside and saw her holding her stomach and holding onto the car door at the same time. "Hey are you alright?" Pope asked as he ran towards her. "Pope long time no see. I'm going into labor and I don't think this little girl can wait any longer." Cleo screamed. "Ok let's get you inside." Pope said as he tried to lift Cleo up. Cleo just went along with whatever Pope was doing since she just wanted help. "Ma I need your help!" Pope yelled as he walked inside with Cleo in his arms and her backpack on his back. "What is i— oh my gosh." Mrs Hayward said. Mrs Hayward couldn't believe her eyes she saw her son holding a very pregnant Cleo. "Shitttt." Cleo screamed as she felt a huge contraction. "Pope bring her over here." Mrs Hayward said as she was placing down her freshly washed towels on the floor. "Alright Cleo I'm Sandy which you might know but I'm a labor and delivery nurse so I can help you." Mrs Hayward said. "Ok if your going to ask me about the father he doesn't want anything to do with me neither do my folks so I'm all by myself." Cleo said. "Ok well me and Pope can be your new family. If you'd like." Mrs Hayward said. Before Cleo could respond she felt the same pain from before but way worse. "Pope I think the baby is trying to escape." Cleo said while tears started pouring out of her eyes.

"I'll check... if that's ok with you." Pope said. "I guess but where did your mom go?" Cleo asked. "I think she went to find a blanket for the baby." Pope said. Cleo just shook her head and groaned again. "Cleo?" Pope said. "Yes" Cleo said. "The babys head is out." Pope said. "What your joking I'm not ready to be a mother I don't even have a nursery for her or anything I I I——- ooooooo." Cleo said while she felt another strong contraction. "Cleo I know your scared but right now your little girl is going to make her way in this world wether you like or not." Pope said. "Now push." Pope yelled. Cleo pushed with all the strength she had and after that first push she heard Pope gasp. "What happened? Is something wrong?" Cleo asked. "No nothings wrong it's just she's here in my arms." Pope said. "What but why isn't she crying?" Cleo said. "Wait for it.." Pope said. Right as Pope and Cleo stopped taking the room was filled with loud cries and an excited Mrs Hayward coming downstairs. "Wow Pope you delivered a baby not just anyone's baby the girl you've had a crush on since the seventh grade." Mrs Hayward said. "Ma." Pope groaned. "Poor I'll take it from here go get Cleo some water." Mrs Hayward said. "Alright Cleo I called on my friends who's a midwife. She has all the equipment we need to see how much baby girl weighs and the rest of the stuff needed for the birth certificate." Mrs Hayward said. Pope came back with a glass of water and one of his shirts. "I grabbed you a shirt since yours is all covered in sweat and everything." Pope said as he gave Cleo the water. "Thank you." Cleo said as she drank some of the water.

Two hours later
"Hey Pope you want to hold her?" Cleo asked. "Are you sure I'm not really a kid person." Pope said. "Get your ass over here and hold her." Cleo said. Pope walked over to Cleo and sat right beside her. Cleo gave Pope the baby and he immediately fell in love with her. "What's her name?" Pope asked. "Saylor May Hayward." Cleo said. "Aww that's so... Hayward why is her last name Hayward?" Pope said. "Well you may not be her father you are the guy who I've had a crush on since the seventh grade. Sooo maybe just maybe we can go on a date and you know see how things go from there." Cleo said. Pope put his hand on Cleo's face and went in for a kiss. Cleo went along with it and did the same thing. Next thing you know Pope and Cleo are kissing. Right as they kissed Mrs Hayward took a picture and obnoxiously said awwww. "Ma really." Pope said as he left Cleo's lips. "What? You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment." Mrs Hayward said.

I hope you all like this one shot. Let me know if you have any requests.

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