Sarah & Kiara:finding our kids

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Context:Sarah and Kiara are married. They decided to adopt two twin girls who at the time were 6 now they're 16. Those same twins just decided to run away. Will Kiara and Sarah find them.

It's been almost two months since Emily and Melanie left home, Kiara and Sarah have been doing everything in their power to find them but they aren't even close. Kiara and Sarah haven't slept since they left not because they were sick just because they missed their kids. "Sar I keep reading there notes over and over and nothing is sticking out to me." Kiara said. "I know but maybe the girls will come back." Sarah said. Kiara gave Sarah a kiss and went to sleep. "Em wake up " Melanie whispered. "Melanie what do you want" Emily whispered. "I miss our moms" Melanie said. "Me too" Emily said. "Maybe we should call them" Melanie said. "We could but we just left them with no explanation." Emily said. "I know but we were in a bad place mentally and we didn't want to take it out on them." Melanie said. "Can you two please go to sleep or else I'm calling your moms and telling them where you are." Anna said as she walked into the guest room. "We're trying to but we can't." Emily said. "I understand that you both miss your moms" Anna said as she was cut off. "You don't understand at all we haven't seen them in almost two months" Emily yelled. "I do too understand do you think that we like lying to our daughter and daughter in law." Anna yelled. "No" Melanie said as her voice broke. Anna got up and started to walk away. As she was walking away she told the girls that their moms were coming by tomorrow. Then she left and shut the door behind her. "What are we gonna do" Melanie whispered. "Go downstairs for once and finally see our moms." Emily whispered. "If you do it I'll do it." Melanie whispered. "I'm doing it" Emily whispered. Then they fell asleep.

It's now the next afternoon,Anna and Mike are already downstairs talking with Kiara and Sarah while the girls were upstairs still getting ready. "I'm scared" Emily said. "Me too but we said we were going to do it so we can't back down." Melanie said. Emily and Melanie opened the guest room door and walked downstairs. "Hey girls" Mike said. "Hey grandpa" Emily and Melanie said. Kiara and Sarah had stunned looks on their faces. "Do you still need us to go to the store?" Melanie asked as she grabbed an orange out of the fridge. "No I went yesterday remember" Anna said. "Right" Emily whispered. Emily and Melanie immediately ran out the door. "You knew they were here" Kiara yelled. "Yes but I-we promised them that we wouldn't tell you." Anna said. "Dad" Kiara cried. Mike just looked away from Kiara and Sarah with nothing to say. "I thought they were dead" Sarah said. Kiara and Sarah walked out of the dinning room and went outside. "Em we are the worst daughters ever" Melanie cried. "No shit" Emily cried. Kiara and Sarah were standing right behind them as they were crying. "You guys aren't the worst" Sarah said. "Mom" Emily said as she whipped her head around. Emily gave Sarah a hug while Melanie gave Kiara one. "Why did you two leave?" Sarah said. "We don't want to talk about it" Emily said quickly. "Mel didn't you say you needed to get gas" Emily said. "Yea and don't you need to return that one shirt Grandma bought you." Melanie said. "I do why don't we go now so you can fill up the tank and then we can go take the shirt back." Emily said. "Alright let go" Melanie said. Melanie and Emily went back inside and headed upstairs. "Did you guys talk to them?" Mike asked. "Barely they just made up an excuse to go back inside." Kiara said as she shut the door. "Well maybe they just need sometime to umm—" Sarah said as she was cut off by the sound of screaming. Everyone ran upstairs and straight to the guest room. Kiara opened the door and saw Emily and Melanie with their faces in their pillows. "Why are you two screaming?" Sarah said.

"Are we not aloud to scream" Emily said. "You don't have to sound like you're dying." Kiara said. "I thought you two had to go to the store." Sarah said. "We were just about to leave." Melanie said. Emily and Melanie pushed past Mike and Anna then walked downstairs. "Kie you know they aren't going to the store or the gas station right." Sarah said. "I know" Kiara whispered. "Where are they going?" Mike asked. "To watch the sunset." Kiara said. "Why?" Anna chimed in. "It's something we would do with whenever they were upset or needed a break." Sarah said. "Well they just left if you two leave now you guys can meet them there." Anna said. Kiara and Sarah practically ran downstairs. "Don't forget your keys" Sarah said. Kiara grabbed her keys and ran out the door. "Mel you know they're gonna follow us right." Emily said. "I know Emily that's what I want I don't know about you but I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay I wanted to tell them the truth the day we left but you couldn't face the fact that you're the one who needs help." Melanie said. "I need help your the one who said that we shouldn't tell them" Emily said as she was getting out the car. Melanie was getting out of the car and they both just kept going back and forth until their moms saw them. "We got you guys your favorite slushes" Kiara said as she walked over to them. Emily and Melanie were just standing and staring at the sunset. "Are you guys ok?" Sarah asked. "No" the girls said. "What's wrong you know you can tell us." Sarah said. "I don't think you want to know" Emily said. Emily and Melanie started walking back to their car when Kiara and Sarah stopped them. "Hey tell us what's wrong. So we can help you." Sarah said.

"You can't help us." Emily said. "Why not?" Kiara said. "We don't know" Melanie said. "You do know you two just won't tell us." Kiara said. "Because we don't want to lose you guys". Emily said. Emily and Melanie were looking down at their feet trying to avoid looking at their moms. "You two are not gonna lose us." Kiara said. "But what if we get taken away" Melanie said. "We have full custody of you both you're not gonna get taken away." Sarah said. "But what if we do get taken away and then we never see you guys again." Melanie cried. Melanie and Emily just started crying since they didn't know what else to do. Kiara and Sarah comforted them and told them they're coming home. Melanie and Emily got back in their car and drove home. Kiara and Sarah followed. Once they arrived home everyone cuddled on the couch and watched tv. "Promise you two won't leave" Sarah said. "Promise" Emily and Melanie said.

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