Kiara & Claire:Stomach flu

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Context:If you've read the Kiara and Sarah oneshot called:where's your mom. Then you now that Kiara and Sarah found a little girl named Claire and she lived with Kiara. Anyways they moved out and live on their own. This oneshot is about Claire getting the stomach flu. Claire is 4 years old in this. TW:Mentions of puking/vomiting

Last night Claire said her stomach hurt so Kiara let Claire sleep with her. Claire seemed to be doing fine but she was tossing and turning while she was sleeping which made Kiara worried. Kiara just rubbed her back like she always did since she thought she was having a nightmare about her past like she has before. This time it was different. Kiara felt Claire jolt up and lean over the side of her bed. "Claire what are you doing?" Kiara said. Claire didn't respond the only sounds that came out of her mouth was dry heaves. "Kiki I threw up." Claire said just loud enough for Kiara to hear her. "Oh you must be sick let's get you to the bathroom." Kiara said. "But I threw up in the bucket on the floor." Claire said. "I know but just incase you need to throw up again you will be in the bathroom." Kiara said. "Ok can I take a bath too." Claire asked. "Sure." Kiara said while she brought Claire to the bathroom.

Kiara placed Claire right by the toilet. "Claire I'll be right back ok." Kiara said. "Ok I'll sit right here and wait for you to come back." Claire said. Kiara turned the light on in Claire's room,got blinded by the light, grabbed Claire some new pajamas,turned off the light,and walked out. Kiara walked back into the bathroom and saw Claire throwing up again so she got on her knees and started to rub her back. "Are you feeling better just so you can take a bath." Kiara said. "I think so but will you stay with me." Claire asked. "Of course bubs I'll stay the entire time." Kiara said. Gracie flushed the toilet and Kiara started a bath. 

Kiara helped Gracie into the warm water and she just watched Gracie do what she needed to do. "Kiki can you wash my hair please?" Gracie asked. "Sure maybe it will help you feel better." Kiara said as she grabbed the shampoo. Kiara washed Claire's hair and once she had finished,she let Claire get dressed. "Kiki look I put my pajamas on all by myself." Claire said with excitement. "Good job bubs." Kiara said. Claire gave Kiara a hug and just hugged her forever. "Bubs do you want to go back to bed?" Kiara asked. "Yea I'm tired." Claire said. Kiara picked Claire up and brought her to her room. "No I want to sleep with you." Claire whined. "Claire you need to sleep in your own room." Kiara said. "Fine." Claire whined. Kiara gave Claire a kiss on her forehead,left a trash can at the edge of her bed,and closed the door behind her.

Here's another oneshot. Please know I will be on vacation from July 13th-18th so I won't be uploading any chapters but I will be writing some in my notes. Please let me know your requests you have. Let me know if I should write more oneshots of Claire and Kiara,Kiara and Gracie,or Sarah and Mia.

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