Sarah & Mia:the flu

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Context:Sarah has a little sister named Mia and they both get the flu. Mia is 15.

Mia was tossing and turning but her throbbing headache made things worse. Since she couldn't sleep she decided to get some water. As she shuffled down the hallway she heard Sarah throwing up. "Sarah you alright?" Mia asked as she went into the bathroom. Sarah didn't say anything since she was vomiting her guts out. Mia just rubbed Sarah's back and held her hair back. "Sarah do you want some water?" Mia asked. Sarah just shook her head yes and laid down on the bathroom floor. Mia got up and went into the kitchen to grab Sarah some water. "Mia" Sarah called out. "Yea" Mia said as she walked into the bathroom. "I don't feel good" Sarah whined. "Sarah I don't feel good either but you don't see me complaining." Mia said. "I don't care my head hurts." Sarah said. "Alright let's head to your room and then I'll take your temperature." Mia said. Mia tried to help Sarah up but she couldn't do it. Mia felt her body collapse on the ground. "Mia" Sarah called out. "I'm fine I just need some water." Mia said. Sarah gave Mia the glass of water and waited for her to drink it. "Mia I think your dehydrated." Sarah said. Mia just laid up against Sarah while she waited to not be super dizzy. Sarah then got up and told Mia she would give a piggy back ride. Mia got on Sarah's back and laid on her head on her shoulder. "Sar can you grab the thermometer?" Mia asked as Sarah placed her onto her bed. "Yea I'll be right back." Sarah then walked out of her room and grabbed the thermometer from the bathroom. Sarah placed the thermometer on Mia's forehead and it read 101.3. Sarah placed the thermometer on her forehead and it read the same as Mia's. "We both have fevers so I'm gonna get us some tylenol from the kitchen I'll be back." Sarah said. "Ok can you get me some water please." Mia asked. "Yea" Sarah said. Sarah went into the kitchen and grabbed some tylenol but as she grabbed the medicine she heard a loud thud from her room. Sarah then ran into her room and saw Mia lying on the ground. "Mia are you ok?" Sarah asked. "Yea I just got a little dizzy from standing up." Mia said as Sarah helped her up. "Well the tylenol is in the kitchen." Sarah said. "Ok" Mia said and then walked out with Sarah too the kitchen. Sarah and Mia took the tylenol and went back to bed. "Sarah you better not puke again." Mia yelled out. "And you better not pass out." Sarah yelled back. Then they both fell asleep very peacefully.

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