Kiara & Maddy Carrera:Motion sickness

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Context:Kiara has a younger sister named Maddy and they were hanging out with the pouges on JJs boat and... read to find out the rest. TW: mentions of puking

Maddy was sitting on the edge of boat watching the rest of the pouges laughing and talking. "Mads you alright?" Sarah asked. "Umm yea I'm just feeling a little nauseous." Maddy said. "Well if you need to go home I'm sure Kie will take you home." Sarah said. Maddy just went back to looking at the water and trying to not throw up. Sarah went back to the other pouges and told Kiara what Maddy told her. Then out of nowhere JJ just randomly speeds the boat up and Maddy's stomach felt way worse than before. Maddy slowly got up and leaned over the edge of the boat and vomited. "Shit Mads are you ok?" Kiara said. Kiara ran over to her and rubbed her back. While Sarah held her hair. "JJ what the hell. Why did you speed up?" Kiara yelled. "Woah mama's mad". JJ said. "JJ I swear to god. Can you just take us back to the dock." Kiara groaned. JJ rolled his eyes and drove the boat back to the dock.

Once they arrived at the docks Kiara and Maddy got off and walked home. "Bye guys." Everyone said expect JJ. "Bye." Kiara said while Maddy waved bye. "Kie I'm fine go hangout with your friends." Maddy said. "Mads your sick I'm staying with you." Kiara said. Kiara gave Maddy a piggy back ride and they walked home. "Mom and dad are going to be so mad." Maddy said. "No there not." Kiara said. "Yes they are. We snuck out last night and we took some of dads beer." Maddy said. "Will you calm down mom and dad aren't going to be mad there just going to be disappointed in us like always.". Kiara said. "Your right." Maddy said. "We're almost home act like your asleep." Kiara said. Maddy quickly laid her head on Kiara's shoulder and pretended to fall asleep.

Kiara then made it to her front door and she saw her parents sitting on the porch. "Kiara you better have a good explanation on why you two weren't home last night." Mike said. "We went to Sarah's and and..." Kiara said but she got cutoff by dad. " You weren't at Sarah's I saw you both on JJ's boat." Mike said. " mmm what's going on?" Maddy said while she fake yawned. "Madison I know you weren't asleep now where the hell were you two." Anna yelled. "Umm at Sarah's." Maddy quietly said. "Stop lying to us." Anna said. Maddy tried her best to not vomit again but her stomach had other plans. Kiara stepped back and held  Maddy's hair while her head was deep within the trash can outside. "Maddy are you alright." Anna said as her and Mike ran over to her. "Get away from me." Maddy said as she started to push Anna and Mike away from her.

"Come on let's go inside and get you cleaned up." Kiara said. Kiara took Maddy inside and helped her get cleaned up. "Kie I think mom and dad are gonna find out that I drank three beers." Maddy said. "It's fine I'll cover for you." Kiara said. "No you won't Kiara." Anna said as she appeared in the bathroom doorway. "Mom really I I I." Maddy said but she puked once more. "I don't want to hear it both of you are staying inside this house for the rest of the week." Anna said. "But Mom." Kiara groaned. "But nothing." Anna said then she walked out. "This is great just great." Kiara said. "No kidding." Maddy said and just laid on Kiara's shoulder.

Here's another oneshot for everyone. Hope y'all like it.

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