Jarah:A drunken Sarah

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Context:Sarah and Kiara went out to a bar and obviously Sarah came home drunk. (John B and Sarah are dating in this) TW:Mentions vomiting/puking

"Alright Sarah let's get you inside." Kiara said as she got of the car to help Sarah inside. "We should go get shots Kie." Sarah slurred. "You've had enough shots for one day." Kiara said. Kiara then walked Sarah up to her and John Bs front porch. Kiara knocked on the door and held Sarah tightly to make sure she didn't fall. John B heard the knock on the door and walked over and opened the door. Right as John B opened the door Sarah practically fell into John Bs arms. "Hey Kie and hello to you Sarah." John B said while he picked Sarah up.

"Hey Jb I brought your drunk ass girlfriend back." Kiara said. Kiara gave John B Sarah's purse and walked back to her car. "Make sure Sarah gets some rest and a shower." Kiara said. "You got it Captain." John B said as he brought Sarah inside. "Let's get you in the shower  because you smell vomit and beer." John B said. "I don't smell like vomit you smell vomit." Sarah slurred. John B brought Sarah into the bathroom and started the shower. "I'm going to get you some shorts and a shirt I'll be right back." John B said. Sarah just laughed and threw her shirt at John B.

"Alright Sarah I got you one of my shirts and a pair of black shorts." John B said. "It's my favorite shirt." Sarah said as she tried to grab the shirt. "Sarah you need a shower before you put the shirt on." John B said as he turned on the shower. John B got in the shower and helped Sarah into the shower. John B helped Sarah get her whole shower situation together and he helped her get dressed. "Sarah I'm going to get you some water so just sit here and don't move." John B said. "You got it pretty boy." Sarah slurred. John B grabbed Sarah a glass of water and right as he walked back to the bathroom he heard dry heaves coming from Sarah's direction.

John B saw Sarah dry heaving into the toilet so he grabbed Sarah's hair and rubbed her back. "Sarah you feel better."
John B asked. Sarah didn't say anything she just laid onto John Bs chest. John B gave her a kiss on her forehead, he picked her up and, brought her to there room. John B placed Sarah onto there bed and grabbed a trash can. "If you need to throw up again there's a trash can down here. Now I'm going to get you some advil from the kitchen and glass of water. "Here take these." John B said as he gave Sarah some advil. Sarah took the pils and laid back down. John B also got into bed and laid down with Sarah. John B gave Sarah a kiss and went to sleep. Sarah did the exact same thing.

Here's another Jarah oneshot hope you guys like it.

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