Jiara:throwing up at school

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Context:JJ and Kie have a daughter named Isabella who's 16 and she was feeling a little sick but didn't tell her parents until she threw up in class. JJ and Kie are married in this. This was also a request by someone!!

"Bells do you want me to drive you to school or you drive yourself?" Kiara asked. "Can you drive me today my head kinda hurts." Isabella said. "Ok do you want to stay home?" Kiara asked. "No I probably just need to drink some water." Isabella said. "How are my favorite ladies doing this morning?" JJ said as he came downstairs."I'm fine but Bells is a little sick." Kiara said. "I'm not sick." Isabella said. "Whatever you say." Kiara said. Isabella and Kiara walked outside so Isabella could head to school. "You promise you're feeling good enough to go to school." Kiara said. "Mom I'm fine if I don't feel good I'll call you to pick me up." Isabella said. "Ok just text me with updates during every period." Kiara said. "Ok bye mom." Isabella said as she got out of the car. "Bye Bells love you." Kiara said. "I love you too." Isabella said as she shut the car door. Kiara drove off and Isabella went inside to talk with her friends. "Hey Bells." Hannah said as she waved at Isabella. "Hey Hannah." Isabella said. "You feeling ok you look a little lighter than usual." Hannah said. "Hannah just because you just came back from your cruise where you got a great tan doesn't mean you can make fun of me for being lighter than you." Isabella said. "I wasn't trying to make fun of you I was just saying you looked pale as in being sick." Hannah said. "Well I'm not sick ok why does everyone keep think that." Isabella said. "Because you look sick." Hannah whispered to herself. Hannah and Isabella walked to class and as they got there some of the other kids were whispering about how pale Isabella looked. Hannah and Isabella were doing their work when all of a sudden Isabella felt really queasy. "Bella are you feeling ok?" Mrs Kelley asked. Isabella didn't say anything since she threw up all over the floor. "That shit is nasty." One kid in the class said. "Bro shut up." Another kid said. "I'll call the nurse." Mrs Kelley said. Hannah just asked Isabella if she wanted her to text her mom. Isabella didn't say anything since she was crying. "Hannah can you help Bella to the nurses office please." Mrs Kelley asked. "Sure" Hannah said. Hannah grabbed her and Isabella's stuff while Isabella took the trash can with her. "Mrs Kelley is Bella's new nickname pukey Belly." Some random guy said. "Jameson your new nickname should be failingson since you aren't passing not one of your classes." Mrs Kelley said. The entire class ooooed and then laughed at Jameson. "Hi Mrs Tori." Hannah said. "Hi honey let me guess she threw up." Mrs Tori said. "All over the floor." Isabella sobbed. "I already called your mom since Mrs Kelley called me. She should be here soon." Mrs Tori said. "Ok" Isabella hiccuped. Hannah and Isabella sat down in the nurses office waiting for Kiara to come. "Tori Isabella Maybank's mother is outside." Mrs Tori's walkie talkie announced. "I'll send her out." Mrs Tori responded. Mrs Tori gave Isabella a trash bag and then sent her outside. Hannah went back to class and said goodbye to Isabella. Isabella got in the car and wiped her face. "Hey Mrs I'm not sick." Kiara said. "Mom not right now." Isabella said. Kiara laughed and drove home. Once they arrived home Isabella went inside and ran to the bathroom. "Bells." JJ said as he saw her run to the bathroom. JJ held her hair back while she threw up. "I'll get her some water." Kiara said as she walked inside. Isabella fell into JJs arms just because of how exhausted she was from puking. "Belly drink this." Kiara said. Isabella drank some of the water and got up off of the bathroom floor. "Go lay down on the couch so I can take your temperature." Kiara said. "But I don't have a fever." Isabella said. "I don't care I'm still taking it." Kiara said. Isabella flopped onto the couch and waited for Kiara to take her temperature. "101.3" Kiara said. "Could this day get any worse." Isabella said. Kiara just sat next to Isabella and rubbed her back while she tried to go to sleep.

First request done!! Anyways I hope yall liked this and if you have any requests please comment them on the ideas chapter. Also if I have written it before I'm most likely not gonna rewrite it sorry. (Unless it's like a different version than the one I already wrote)

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