Jarah & Jiara:Two years later

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Context: It's been two years since Isabella and Emily got kidnapped and went missing. So Isabella is 18 and Emily is 10. TW:Mentions of abuse,sexual assault,and murder

"Bella Charlottes crying again." Emily said as she was holding Charlotte. Charlotte the 2 year old daughter of the young couple the guy had murdered but never got caught. Charlotte started living with Isabella and Emily when she was a year old so last year. "Bella" Charlotte hiccuped. "I'm here baby." Isabella said as she picked Charlotte up. Charlotte had stopped crying and she laid her head on Isabella's shoulder. "She was just tired." Isabella said as she rubbed Charlottes back. "Bella you know what time it is." The guy said. "Now I have to take care of Charlotte she's getting sick." Isabella said. "Either come here now or Emily gets hit again." The guy said. Isabella gave Charlotte to Emily and then went with the guy. The guy and Isabella went into a room and things happened but when Isabella came out the guy wasn't behind her like he always was. "Bella where is he?" Emily said. "He passed out we need to leave now." Isabella said. "Find the key and then get Charlotte out of here." Isabella said. "But what about you?" Emily said. "I'll be up there in a minutes I just need to find something." Isabella said. Emily took Charlotte over by the door while Isabella was looking for the secret key the guy had hid. "You thought you three could escape." The guy breathed down Isabella's neck. Isabella took the guys arm and threw him over her shoulder. The guys body slammed on the ground and he was in pain when Isabella saw the extra key fall out of his pocket and her phone that he surprisingly kept charged and there wasn't even a scratch on it. "You little shit" The guy said. "Bella come on." Emily said. Isabella grabbed the key and her phone and then ran up the stairs. Isabella opened the door and they all walked out. "Call 911." Isabella said as she grabbed Charlotte from Emily's arms. "What's the address of this place?" Emily asked. "I don't know we are literally in the middle no where." Isabella said. "Mama potty." Charlotte said. "I'm gonna take her to the bathroom come with me." Isabella said. Emily and Isabella went to the bathroom with Charlotte and as they walked out there was a knock on the door. "You thought you three could escape . You forgot about the window." The guy said. Right as the guy walked in the house the police had showed up. "Put your hands up where we can see them." An officer shouted. The guy put his hands up and the police arrested him. "Do you two know who her parents are so we can call them?" Another officer asked. "He killed them we don't know what happened after that." Emily said. "Let's get you three down to the hospital just to get checked out." The officer said. "Mama uppie." Charlotte said since she was sitting on the floor. Isabella picked her up and then went with the police.

Once they got to the hospital Emily and Charlotte were the first ones to get checked out while Isabella waited for a female doctor to do a rape kit on her. "Isabella" The doctor said. "Mom?" Isabella said. Kiara noticed that is was Isabella and she just gave her a hug. "You're alive." Kiara said. "Hey are you two done? Charlottes asking for her mom which Emily told me she's been calling you mom anyways she's really antsy and the doctors are just trying to give her a shot. And she's not sitting still." Sarah said. "No we haven't even started but I can go sit with her." Isabella said. "She's right here" Sarah said. "Mama" Charlotte said. "Hey" Isabella said. Isabella picked Charlotte up and out her in her lap. "Sit still so she can give your shot." Isabella said. Charlotte sat still in Isabella's lap while Sarah did the shot. "Alright she's all done I can take her back so you two can do the kit." Sarah said. "Ok" Isabella said. "Mom I don't want you to do this on me can you have someone else do it?" Isabella said. "Belly I've done this on girls who are younger than you I'll be fine." Kiara said. "That's not why I don't want you to do it." Isabella said. "Why don't you want me to do it?" Kiara said. "Because I'm pregnant ok. I'm pregnant with that guys baby all because he drugged me and assaulted me but I let him do it so he wouldn't hurt Emily or Charlotte." Isabella said. "Belly how far along are you?" Kiara said. "I'm 39 weeks can't you tell." Isabella said. "No you're wearing huge clothes and your water just broke." Kiara said. "What do you mean my water —- owww this hurts." Isabella said. "I'm gonna call an Ob stay here and don't move." Kiara said. Isabella was standing in pain when JJ came in. "Hey I heard you slammed that guy who kidnapped you on the ground. Way to go." JJ said. "Yea but that made me go into labor and I'm not ready to have a baby at least not mentally." Isabella said. "He got you pregnant I'll kill him." JJ said. "Dad no just stay here until Mom comes back." Isabella said right as she got another contraction. "This hurts how did mom do this?" Isabella said. "Your mom got the epidural but it didn't kick in until the last push." JJ said. "I want it." Isabella said. "You can ask the baby doctor that question." JJ said. "The OB dad." Isabella said. "That's what I said Baby Doctor." JJ said. Kiara and The OB lady came into the room when Isabella screamed. "Well I have some good news and bad news." The Ob said as she checked Isabella. "What is it." Isabella groaned. "One your baby's head is out and two you're not going to be able to sit down in a bed". The Ob said. Isabella yelled again but this time it was to push. "Here's your baby girl she looks really healthy and a full head of hair." The Ob said. A team of nurses came in cut the cord and took the baby while Isabella did the afterbirth and then got cleaned up. Isabella was standing when her legs started to shake. "Woah your ok. Your body just needs rest." The nurse said as she saw Isabella about to fall. The nurse and JJ helped Isabella into a wheelchair and they wheeled into a room. "Mama" Charlotte said who was sitting on the bed that she was wheeled into. Charlotte went up to Isabella but was stopped by Kiara. "Big mama" Charlotte said as Kiara picked her up. "She's so cute." Kiara said. The nurse brought back Isabella's baby and she chose a name. "Let hold her first." JJ said. "Whoever washes their hands firsts gets to hold her first." Isabella said. Kiara and JJ rushed to wash their hands while the nurses gave Charlotte some hand sanitizer. So Charlotte held the baby first which made Kiara and JJ a little upset. "Sissy" Charlotte said. "Yea" Isabella said. "What's her name?" JJ said. "It's Skyler Olivia Maybank." Isabella said. "JJ go buy a crib and put it together at the house." Kiara said. "Why do I have to put it together." JJ said. "Because I said so." Kiara said. "Get a nice crib please." Isabella said. "I will." JJ said as he walked out. Charlotte had fell in love with Skyler and Kiara which made her a lot more comfortable in the hospital. "Belly are you gonna adopt Charlotte?" Kiara said. "Yea I just need to get a little stable first like get my own house,go back to school,get a job and then I'll try to adopt her." Isabella said. "You can do online school and we can help take care of Charlotte and Skyler." Kiara said. "I guess just until I'm" Isabella said but was cutoff by Kiara hugging her. "Mom I missed you. And I was really scared that I wasn't gonna see you again." Isabella cried. "I was too. And everything at the house is the same your room never changed I didn't get rid of any of your clothes. I did take one of your shirts and I've been sleeping in it every night." Kiara said. "Did Lucas get a new girlfriend?" Isabella asked. "No he's been coming by every month on your guys anniversary and giving me flowers I can call him if you want." Kiara said. "I'll call him later." Isabella said. Skyler had stated to cry so Isabella picked her up and feed her. "What if Lucas thinks I'm ugly." Isabella said. "He won't he loves you kinda like how your dad did after I had you." Kiara said. "Dad was obsessed you. You were the girl he wanted to have a bunch of kids with and then go on a big surfing trip. Why didn't you guys have anymore kids?" Isabella said. "That's the thing we did have another kid." Kiara said. "When?" Isabella said. "It was the year you stayed with your grandparents in obx. She's been staying with us since you went missing. She's 15 her name is Eloise." Kiara said. "Can I meet her?" Isabella said. "Of course I wish I could've watched her grow up but she was taken from me." Kiara said. "Mom is that why you got really scared when you saw me." Isabella said. "Yea I just didn't want to lose another one of my kids." Kiara said. Isabella just placed Skylar back in the crib and went to the bathroom. Isabella was in the bathroom for about five minutes when Kiara opened the door and saw her passed out covered in puke. "Izzy wake up it's Mom." Kiara said as she shook Isabella. Kiara paged for a doctor while she kept talking to Isabella. "Mom I don't feel good." Isabella croaked. "What hurts?" Kiara said. "My stomach and my head." Isabella said. "You're gonna be ok." Kiara said. The doctors came in and helped Isabella.

Here's part two of the babysitting oneshot lmk if you guys like it.

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