Jiara:What the hell mom

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Context:In the last Jiara oneshot Anna decided to send Eloise and Bailey to Kitty Hawk. Now Kiara is fighting with her while Bailey and Eloise are trying to escape. (With their injures they already have). Go check out my book called Home!!

"Bails we need to get out of here." Eloise said. "I know but we need to find a way to get out of these handcuffs." Bailey said. "How are we suppose to get out?" Eloise asked. "They only let us out to eat." Bailey said. "I miss mom and dad." Eloise said. "Me too I don't get why Grandma sent us here." Bailey said. "I don't get it either but don't they drug kids here." Eloise said. "That's what I've been hearing from the kids who bring us lunch." Bailey said. "What if they drug us with some weird memory affecting drug and we forget everything." Eloise said in a panic. "They better not I mean mom wrote us a letter saying she's gonna try to pick us up by saying Grandpa "died". " Bailey said. "I hope it works because these handcuffs really hurt my wrists." Eloise said. "Snack time crazy banks." A random kid said. "Finally." Bailey said. The kid put their snacks down and grabbed the key to unlock the handcuffs. "Please unlock them my wrists are starting to get sore." Eloise said. The kid unlocked their handcuffs and as he was leaving he told them they were coming to drug them around dinner time. "If I were you two I would write a letter to your folks back home before it's too late." The kid said as he left their cabin. "Our phones we hid them from the counselors we can text mom and dad." Eloise said. Bailey and Eloise started looking for their phones when they found one of theirs. "I found mine and it has service." Bailey said. "Hurry text Mom and Dad." Eloise said. Bailey texted Kiara and JJ once the message delivered she hid her phone back in the same place it was before and sat down on the bed. "They must have found mine because I hid mine in one of the books." Eloise said. "Probably but I sent the message to mom and dad. I told them that I was going to power off my phone so I can't text them back." Bailey said. "Bails I'm scared that they're gonna give us some weird drug that makes us paralyzed or something." Eloise said. "Whatever they give us I want them to give it to me first." Bailey said. "What why." Eloise said. "You're my younger sister and I have to protect you." Bailey said. "Well if that happens I'll try to find a way to get us out." Eloise said. "Promise" Bailey said as she held up her pinky. "Promise" Eloise said as she made the pinky promise with Bailey.

"Mom how could you send our kids away like that." Kiara yelled. "Your kids are horrible they fight all the time,they're rude,they're very violent,and they're just—" Anna said. "They aren't anything Anna they're sisters and sisters fight that doesn't mean you have to send them to kitty hawk. Just because we tried it with Kiara over 17 years ago doesn't mean it will work for her kids. And now there has been many cases of them drugging kids with memory affecting drugs,numbing medications that can make them paralyzed,and a whole bunch of other things." Mike said. "I just got a text for Bails we need to go now." JJ said. "You're staying here." Kiara said to Mike. "Why?" Mike said. "Last week I said you died so I could take the girls to your "funeral" but it didn't work and they can't know you're actually alive." Kiara said. "Right. Take these lunches I made." Mike said. "For when you get the girls." Mike said. "Kiara let me go you need my help." Anna said. "Mom get the hell away from me." Kiara said. Anna just backed away from Kiara and JJ as they walked out of the house. "What did Bailey say." Kiara said as she got into the passenger seat. "She said there going to drug them tonight around dinner time and they don't what drug there going to use but they're both freaking out." JJ said. "How long until we get there?" Kiara said. "A hour and a half at the most." JJ said. "You can't take the fast route?" Kiara asked. "I'll try." JJ said. JJ stepped on the gas and drove to kitty hawk. "I still can't believe my mom sent them away does that mean I'm a bad mom?" Kiara said. "No you're a great mom your mom just can't see it." JJ said. "I hope they aren't drugged by the time we get there." Kiara said. "Me too" JJ said.

"Get your hands off of me." Eloise screamed. Eloise was doing everything she could to try to get the counselors to let go. "Struggling only makes it worse El." The counselor said. "Don't call me that." Eloise said as she kicked the counselor in the face. "You little shit." The counselor said as he covered his face. The other counselor who was a girl was helping Bailey get out of her handcuffs when she saw the doctor come around the corner. "So you think it's ok to just let our patients go without my permission." The doctor said. "They're just kids you can't do this to them." The female counselor said. "Hannah just follow the orders." The guy counselor said. "I'm not following these stupid orders Connor. I want these two girls to have the chance to see their parents again." Hannah said. "Well it's a little too late for that." The doctor said as he took the needles out of Baileys and Eloise's arms. "I don't feel so good." The girls said. "Hannah be a dear for me and stay with them until they you know vomit themselves to death. The doctor said as he walked out. "My phone." Bailey slurred. "Where is it?" Hannah said. "Books." Eloise slurred. "Which one." Hannah said. "Big red." Bailey slurred. Hannah grabbed the big red book and saw Baileys phone. She pressed the power button and waited for it to turn on. "Password?" Hannah asked. "35698" Bailey slurred before she threw up on the floor. "Hanny sing me a song." Eloise slurred. "The drugs are really kicking in now." Hannah said. Hannah went over by Eloise and put her hair in a ponytail. "Hanny come home with us." Eloise slurred. "If your parents let me." Hannah said. Eloise ended up throwing up on the floor which caused Hannah to move her feet out of the way. Hannah saw the many text messages Kiara was sending so she decided to call her.
H:pick up please pick up
H:Hi I'm Hannah I was helping Bailey and Eloise escape but I wasn't quick enough. We're in cabin 3.
K:ok we're on our way
H:good you might want to find some trash bags.
K:we brought some
H:ok see you in a bit.
K:see ya

Hannah hung up the phone and stayed by Eloise's and Bailey's side. "Your parents are gonna be here soon." Hannah said. "Mommy" Bailey slurred. "Yes she'll be here soon I just have to make sure you two don't develop any other symptoms." Hannah said. "Hannah" A voice called out. "Over here" Hannah said. Kiara and JJ ran over to where Hannah was and they saw a lot of vomit on the floor. "Mommy." Bailey slurred. "Hi Bails" Kiara said. "Daddy looks funny." Eloise slurred. "I'll carry Eloise one of you guys carry Bailey." JJ said. "Maybe you should carry Bailey and I'll carry Eloise." Kiara said. "Fine." JJ said. Hannah just watched as JJ and Kiara grabbed their kids. "Hanny come too?" Bailey slurred. "Hannah can come too now let's go." Kiara said. JJ,Kiara,and Hannah all quickly walked to the car and loaded the girls inside. "Where's the nearest hospital?" JJ asked. "It's 10 minutes away." Kiara said. JJ drove to the hospital and when they got there doctors took the girls into separate room and even checked out Hannah. "Mr and Mrs Maybank your daughters will be fine we just have to wait for the effects of the drug to pass which may take up to a week." The doctor said. "What about Hannah?" JJ asked. "Her parents died years ago and her foster parents she has now don't really care about her." The doctor said. "Wait how old is Hannah?" Kiara asked. "The same age as Bailey." The doctor said. "Can't we foster her or something." JJ said. "A social worker is here to talk to you two about that." The doctor said. The social worker talked with Kiara and JJ. She told them that Hannah could stay with them for as long as they tried their best to adopt her. "Can we go see our kids now?" JJ asked Kiara. "Come on." Kiara said. Kiara and JJ went into the room Bailey and Eloise were staying in. "Mom" Bailey and Eloise said. Kiara gave them both a hug. JJ was giving Hannah a hug. "You're a lifesaver Hannah." JJ said. "Thanks for the company but I probably have to get home to my family." Hannah said as she started to grapple with her stuff. "We're your family." Kiara said. "What?" Hannah said. "Your social worker said you can stay with us since we're trying to adopt you." JJ said. "Hannah staying with us for real?" Eloise said. "Yes" Kiara said. "Yea" Eloise said. "Mom" Bailey said from the bathroom in the room. "Yes" Kiara said. "I threw up again." Bailey said. "I'm coming." Kiara said. Hannah grabbed a bucket since everytime Bailey threw up Eloise threw up too. "Let it all out." JJ said as he rubbed Eloise's back. Hannah just laughed at Eloise since she was turning red. "This isn't funny Hannah." Eloise said. "It's a little funny." Hannah said as she just laughed. Bailey and Kiara came out of the bathroom and saw Hannah laughing. "You look like shit Eloise." Bailey said. "You do to" Eloise said as she flipped off Bailey.

Here's part two of the last Jiara oneshot lmk if you guys like it and if I should do another part.

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