The pouges:It was the night before christmas

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Context:During the holiday season all of the pouges get together with their kids and spend time together in a huge mansion. Cleo and Pope have a daughter named Saylor who is 14 and a younger daughter named Taylor who is 10. JJ and Kiara have a daughter named Bailey who is 14 and younger daughter named Isabella who is 10. John B and Sarah have a daughter named Charlotte who is 14 and a younger daughter Emily who is 10. The pouges are in their 30s. Also all the kids decided to sneak out and go down to the beach without telling their parents...

"It's midnight and we all have to go out looking for a kids." JJ said. "Well maybe we should've taken them to the beach earlier today." Cleo said. "It's Christmas Eve who wants to go to the beach." JJ said. "All of our kids apparently." Cleo said. All the pouges got into their cars and searched for their kids. "I'm cold." Emily complained. "Me too." Isabella and Taylor said. "You guys are always cold." Saylor said. "Well it is only 50 degrees and we're only wearing our pajamas." Bailey said. "Maybe we should call our parents since we can't find our way back either." Charlotte said. "Well my phones dead." Saylor said. "I'll call them." Bailey said. Bailey grabbed her phone and as she was about to call Kiara and JJ she stopped. "Bails why aren't you calling your parents?" Charlotte said. "Because it was my dad's fault for not letting us go to the beach when it was warmer outside so now he can just worry about me." Bailey said. "That is true I mean all of our moms were fine with it and then your dad had to come in and say who's goes to the beach on Christmas Eve." Saylor mocked. Everyone laughed when they saw a car pull up by them. "Moms here!" Isabella said. "You guys are in serious trouble." Kiara said. "Aww crap" Bailey said. "Get in the car." Kiara said. All the kids got into Kiara's car and the whole car ride back was silent. When Kiara pulled up to the garage Sarah,John B,Cleo,Pope,and JJ were waiting for them. "Older kids upstairs younger kids stay down here." Kiara said. The older girls went upstairs while the younger girls stayed downstairs. The dads stayed with the younger girls while the moms went with older girls. "What were you three thinking taking your younger sisters to the beach out in the cold." Sarah said. "We weren't really thinking." Saylor whispered. "No shit what if your sisters decided to run away." Cleo said. "Well they didn't so we should just go downstairs and eat cookies." Bailey said. The older girls started to get up when the dads came upstairs. "Bailey you're grounded." JJ said. "What that's not fair." Bailey said. All the other girls got out of the room except for Kiara,Bailey,and JJ. "You took everyone to the beach when I told you not too." JJ said. "We all wanted to go to the beach earlier but you wouldn't let us." Bailey yelled. "Because we were trying to spend time with everyone." JJ said. "We always spend time together I just wanted to hangout with the girls without the parents everyone was fine with it except you." Bailey yelled. JJ just got up and walked away while Kiara stayed with Bailey. "Mom" Isabella said. "Yea Belly." Kiara said. Isabella came in the room crying. "What's wrong?" Kiara asked. "I heard Dad yelling at Bailey." Isabella hiccuped. Kiara scooted over so Isabella could sit next to her. "Is Bailey grounded forever?" Isabella asked. "No I'm ungrounding her because I said she could go to the beach." Kiara said.

The next day (Christmas)
"Wake up mom made cookies." Emily said as she jumped on the older girls bed. Isabella and Taylor joined Emily and started to jump on the bed. "Ok we're up." Saylor said. "Come on I want to eat the cookies." Taylor said. "We have to wait for Bailey to wake up." Charlotte said. "Where is she?" Isabella asked. "Girls come downstairs." Sarah yelled. All the girls came downstairs except for Bailey which made the moms worry. "Where's Bailey?" Kiara said. "That's a good question actually." Charlotte said. "She's gone again." Kiara sighed. "Well that sucks." JJ said. "You know what you go find her while we eat cookies and make breakfast." Kiara said. JJ grabbed his keys and went out to look for Bailey. "I call dibs on making pancakes." Emily said. "I want to make pancakes." Taylor said. Emily and Taylor started to make pancakes while Saylor and Charlotte started to get the fruit together. "Belly do you not want to help." Kiara said. "I'm grabbing the plates." Isabella said as she struggled to grab the plates out of the cabinet. "When can we open presents?" Emily asked. "Whenever Bailey gets here." Kiara said. "I found her." JJ said as he opened the door. "You're ok." Kiara said as she gave Bailey a huge hug. "Yea I'm fine." Bailey said. "Can we open presents now?" Emily asked. "Yes go ahead we'll keep cooking breakfast." John B said. The girls went to go open presents while the moms watched. The dads just made breakfast and once everyone was finished opening their presents they all watched a movie together to set the mode for the rest of the day.

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