JJs little sister Pt 2

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Setting:the scene of the accident,the ambulance,and the hospital.
Recap:JJ started singing along too and while they were on the road Gracie was just about to fall asleep until she screamed JJ look out and BOOM everything went black. I'm gonna make Gracie 8 years old now btw sorry if you liked it when she was 5. It goes better with how I am writing about her.

The second everything went black Kie was the only one awake inside the car. The car had flipped and rolled over into the forest near by. Kie had saw that JJ wasn't in the driver seat so that's when she saw Gracie passed out in the back seat. Kie tried to climb to the back seat but she couldn't really move since her leg was really hurting. The only thing she thought of was too yell Gracie's name over and over until she started to wake up. Gracie ended up waking up but when she woke she just started crying. Gracie unbuckled her seat belt and tried to climb over to Kie. Kiara said " Gracie can you try and open the door. If if you can climb out of the window and call for help ok".

Gracie shook her head with agreement and tried to open the door with all of strength and it didn't work so she climbed out of the window and she saw Kie slowly climbing out of the window as well. Gracie asked Kie" where's JJ is he ok". Kiara faced was covered in fear and pain but the only thing she could tell Gracie was "I'm not sure but we need to stay here until the police get here ok". Gracie said"Ok but why are you bleeding Kie". Kiara noticed that Gracie was talking about the cuts all up and down her arms,legs and face that came from the glass. "It's from the glass when the window broke now.. are you sure your ok Gracie." Kiara said

Gracie said" My head really hurts and so does my wrist but that's it. Are you ok Kie". Kiara said "I think so but my leg and head really hurt. Now you gotta help me up so we can find your brother". Gracie tried her hardest to help Kie up from the ground and she saw how badly she was in pain. Gracie stopped helping her up and said "I'll go find JJ you stay here and wait for help." Kiara didn't argue with her she just decided to wait for the police and other first responders to arrive.

Gracie was walking through the forest until she saw heard of footsteps behind her. Gracie quickly turned around and saw that Kiara was slowly following her. "Kie why are you following me your gonna hurt even more". Gracie yelled with a whisper. Kiara yelled with a whisper back "I'm not leaving a eight year old girl to wonder in the woods by herself. And I promised JJ that if anything happened to him I would keep you safe and treat you like my own daughter". Gracie said "fine now let's go find JJ and be careful you already most likely broke your leg or something". Kiara said " ok let's go find him I really hope he isn't dead". Gracie silently said "me too".

Kiara and Gracie were walking slowly through the forest until they heard JJ yell there names and police sirens coming from a distance. Kiara had to stop waking since her leg was throbbing and Gracie couldn't leave her so she ended up yelling for JJ until she saw black spots forming in around her. Kiara saw Gracie stumble against the tree so she quickly crawled towards Gracie and caught her as she fainted into her arms. Kiara panicky shook Gracie back and forth until JJ came around the corner with the paramedics. JJ looked at Kiara and saw all the cuts and bruises up and down her arms,legs,and head.

JJ quickly gave Kiara a hug and asked" are you ok I'm so sorry about your car I didn't see the other car coming I I I tried to swerve out of the way but I didn't know it was gonna hurt you and Gracie. I'm so sorry Kie". Kiara looked at JJ and back at Gracie. She tried to say something but the pain in her leg came back again but it was worse than before. Kiara started digging her fingernails into JJ arms while the pain was shooting through her leg. "JJ make it stop please. It's hurts so bad". Kiara screamed. JJ quickly scooped Gracie out Kiara's arms and gave her over to the paramedics. He then tried to pick up Kiara but when he went to pick her up she passed out right as he lifted her off of the ground.

The paramedics quickly ran to Kiara and loaded both her and Gracie into there ambulances and he decided to ride with Gracie and he held her hand the whole time. The only thing he could do was just cry all he wanted was a hug from his girls. JJ had this huge plan to go the beach with Kiara and Gracie and surprise Kiara by proposing to her but now he doesn't even know if she will wake up. Gracie started to wake up when she was wheeled into the hospital on a gurney she saw JJ and held his hand and whispered "I gave the ring to the paramedics. Ask them for it". The paramedic who had the ring was in the ambulance that Kiara was in. The second JJ realized he noticed that it was too late to actually propose to Kiara in a proper way.

Kiara was wheeled into the OR while Gracie was getting tested for a concussion and getting x-rays on her wrist. "Are you ok JJ? Did the doctors check you out?" Gracie asked. "JJ said yea I'm fine Gracie I only have a few cuts and scratches unlike you two." Gracie was getting ready for her surgery and she told JJ that everything is gonna be fine no matter what happens she is glad that she met him and Kiara. She wanted him to be happy with her even if she wasn't there with them. Then Gracie got wheeled off to the OR and that's when Kiara came back from surgery.

JJ was sitting next to her and just waiting for her to wake up. He already knew she was gonna be a little groggy so he made sure to talk to her slowly. Kiara started to wake up and she asked "what happened where's Gracie?" JJ said" we all fit into a car accident and you and Gracie were both beaten up pretty bad. I'm sorry that I wasn't there with you guys I wanted to make sure you both were gonna get the help you needed". Kiara looked at JJ and said "aww babe that's so cute and yes I'll marry you". JJ said "marry me what I didn't even ask you that question yet. Also Gracie is in surgery because of her wrist."

Kiara said "the paramedics told me as there were wheeling me inside the hospital". JJ said "well that's good now we just have to tell Gracie what nice she gets back from surgery". Kiara said "ok can you help me sit up please". JJ helped Kiara sit up and that's when Gracie was wheeled into Kiaras room. "Is she gonna be ok doc?" JJ asked "She's gonna be just fine. Both of them are gonna be fine just make sure they both go to physical therapy and practice all there exercises at home". The doctor told JJ. "JJ said will do doc". JJ gave both Kiara and Gracie kisses on there foreheads and went to hospital cafeteria to get them some jello. 

Gracie woke up and saw JJ sitting in between her and Kiara watching some random reality show. Gracie said "JJ why does my head hurt so bad?" Kiara woke up out of her slumber and said "Gracie your awake that's great. Also I'm guessing you know me and JJ are engaged!!" Gracie said "thats great Kie I'm happy for you guys and I'm in the wedding right". JJ said" of course you are Gracie but the wedding gonna have to wait for at least 2 years you guys have to be fully healed before we have it". Gracie said "fine you are no fun but who's gonna take care of me and Kie". JJ said "umm I am who else would take care of the both of you."

Kiara said "I don't care who takes care of us can you both shut up so I can sleep my head is killing me". Gracie and JJ stared laughing until Kiara threw a pillow at JJ's head. " Both of you shut the hell up now." Kiara yelled. "Ok fine you don't have to be such a b about it "mom"". Gracie mockingly said. "Yea Kiara don't be such a bitch about it". JJ said. JJ gave the pillow back to Kiara and decide to go home for the night.

Here's part 2 to the last chapter it's very long but it's fine. Let me know if you want a part 3 or an additional part too continue this story. I was think of doing a time jump like after JJ and Kiara get married and have Kiara adopt Gracie so she could be her full time guardian/mom. Let me know what you guys think.

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