JJ & Gracie Maybank:Not eating enough

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Context:JJ has a little named Gracie who's 14 she just got out of the hospital since Luke had been arrested for child abuse. Now she's not eating a lot since she's lost her appetite but JJ thinks it's something else. JJ is 18.

Gracie got up and went to the bathroom. Gracie was changing the bandage in her leg and arm when she felt like throwing up. Gracie hunched over the toilet and threw up. JJ heard her gagging so he went to the bathroom and checked on her. "G you ok?" JJ said as he knocked on the door. "I'm fine." Gracie said. "You sure?" JJ said. "I said I'm fine." Gracie said. JJ just went back to his room while Gracie was still in the bathroom. Gracie was changing her bandaid when JJ just barged into the bathroom. "JJ what the hell." Gracie said. "You want to go get something at the wreck?" JJ asked. "I don't really have an appetite but you can still get me something to eat." Gracie said. "Why haven't you been eating a lot?" JJ asked. "Because I don't have an appetite and the doctor said it's gonna take time for it to comeback." Gracie said. "So you don't have an eating disorder" JJ said. "What the hell kind of a question is that." Gracie yelled. "Look you weren't eating and I was worried." JJ said. "I'm going on a walk." Gracie said as she grabbed her phone. "G I was just making sure you aren't killing yourself." JJ said. "Fuck off JJ." Gracie said. Gracie left the house and went to go walk. Gracie was walking when she got really dizzy. "Hey G are you ok?" A voice said. "G" The voice said again. Gracie passed out into the persons arms who carried her home. The person knocked on the door and saw JJ living space. "Sarah what are you guys doing here?" JJ said. "We saw your sister walking and then she got really dizzy then passed out." Sarah said. "You two aren't staying here anymore." John B said. "Yea you guys can stay with us we have the room just until you can afford a place for you and Gracie." Sarah said. "She's gonna be staying with Kiara after today I'm heading off to camp and she said she would take care of her." JJ said. "Well can you get her some water." Sarah said. JJ went to go get her some water while John B put her down on the couch. Gracie was starting to wake up when JJ brought her the water. "Here drink this before you pass out again." JJ said. Gracie drank the water and went to go get a snack. "Gracie Kiara's coming in a few minutes to pick you up." JJ said. "Ok I'll go get my bags." Gracie said. Gracie went to go get her bags while John B took JJ to another room. "Your sister just passed out and you're not even going to ask if she's ok?" John B said. "Why she's just gonna tell me she's fine." JJ said. "She's not fine JJ she barely eats anymore and she's not ok JJ. Your dad traumatized her and you're not doing anything about it." John B said. "What am I gonna do about it?" JJ said. "Tell her she needs help and that she needs to talk to someone about what happened to her and not be like you who's just joining the military to not express the trauma you have." John B said. "I'm joining the military because I want to not to relive my trauma." JJ said. "And what did Kiara think about this?" John B said. "She was fine with it." JJ said. "Is she fine with it or is that what you think." John B said. "I don't get why you care so much." JJ said. "Because your sister isn't doing good mentally and she needs help." John B said. "Well that's what Kiara's for she can help her." JJ said. "JJ are you serious you're her older brother and you're not gonna help her." John B said. "No I'm not." JJ said. "Hey Gracie you ready to go?" Kiara said as she walked in. "Yea I'm ready bye John B bye Sarah." Gracie said. Gracie left with Kiara while JJ just went out to go get something to eat. John B and Sarah left as well. While JJ was sitting on his bike he went back inside. When he back inside he saw a white piece of paper on the counter. It was a letter from Gracie.

Here's a request someone had lmk if yall like this and go read my book Home!!!

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