Jiara:The babies

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Context:Kiara and JJ are both 18 in this and they ran away after finding out Kiara was pregnant. The thing is Kiara has been in labor for over 5 hours and she hasn't really made any progress. Now she's been asking for her parents really anyone to comfort her. She's also pregnant with twin girls and they're having a home birth.

"I want these girls out of me." Kiara groaned. "You've barely made any progress maybe you should call your parents and have them sit with you while JJ is at work." Kiara's midwife said. "I want JJ." Kiara cried. "Kiara you need some type of support while he's away call your parents or else I'm going to do it for you." Kiara's midwife said. "Do I have to Allie?" Kiara said. "Yes call them." Allie said. Allie handed Kiara her phone and watched as she called her mom. "Hi Kie how are you?" Anna asked (over the phone). "I'm you little shits. Good sorry just having contractions." Kiara said. "You're pregnant. And you didn't tell me." Anna said. "I know but I really need you Mom. JJs been working throughout my whole pregnancy so we can have enough money for the girls and now he won't be home until the end of the week." Kiara said. "We're on our way send me your location." Anna said. "Can you bring that one shirt I would always wear." Kiara said. "Yes anything else?" Anna said. "I don't know whatever you can think of just hurry." Kiara said. "We'll be there soon I love you." Anna said. "I love you too." Kiara said. Kiara hung up the phone and went back to leaning up against the wall. "Kie we talked about leaning on the wall you need to walk around so you can dilate more." Allie said. "But I'm tired." Kiara said. "I know but the more you move around the faster your daughters will be here." Allie said. "You want to sit down for a little bit or wait for your parents?" Allie asked. "Sit down" Kiara groaned. Allie and Kiara walked over to the couch so Kiara could sit down. "Oww this hurts like a bitch." Kiara said. "I know but it'll all be over soon." Allie said as she let go of Kiara's hand. "I hope so." Kiara said. "Try and sleep a little bit since you're still only five centimeters." Allie said. Kiara just laid down tried to go to sleep. Kiara did fall asleep when her parents arrived so they just talked with Allie. "I mean I had a pretty easy time having Kiara but her sister on the other hand that was a struggle." Anna said. "Kiara has a sister how come she never told me about her." Allie said. "When she was three her younger sister was taken from me by the foster care system and I haven't seen her since." Anna said. "I have a sister?" Kiara said. "You're up let's check your progress." Allie said. "Mom what's her name?" Kiara said. "Isabella Nicole Carrera." Anna said. "We were going to tell you this year since you're 18." Mike said. "You're seven centimeters only three more to go." Allie said. "Only three" Kiara groaned. "You're doing great." Mike said. As Mike was saying that Kiara had a huge contraction. "Kie honey you need to let go of my hand." Mike said in pain. "JJs not here you're the only other guy in this room deal with it." Kiara said. "Mike why don't you go to JJs job and see if you can bring him here." Allie said. "I will once Kiara let's go of my hand." Mike said.

Kiara let go of Mikes hand and grabbed her mom's hand. "Damn you have a strong grip Mike find JJ before she breaks my hand." Anna said. "Mom how could you hide this from me?" Kiara asked. "I don't know I didn't want to bring her back up. But I just found out she's alive." Anna said. "I'm seeing her after the twins are born." Kiara said. "Ok I don't know if her parents will let you see her." Anna said. "You can-I think one of them is out." Kiara said. Allie went over and checked. "Not yet but you are at nine centimeters." Allie said. "I'm not pushing until JJ and Dad come back." Kiara said. "Kie your body is going to force you to push whether you want to or not." Allie said. "Kie I got you your favorite sub. And a little surprise." JJ said. "Get your blonde ass over here now." Kiara yelled. JJ and Mike were whispering back and forth when Anna walked over there. "JJ if you don't get over so help me I will take your dirt bike and break it." Anna said. "I'm going calm down. Bella come on." JJ said. Isabella came out from behind JJ and saw Kiara who was sitting in a kiddie pool covered in sweat. "You're my sister. Wow you look just like how I imagined." Isabella said. Isabella went over by Kiara and wiped her face with her shirt. "You really don't want my sweat on your shirt." Kiara said. "You're my sister I couldn't care less." Isabella said. "It's time to start pushing." Allie said. "What no I'm not ready to be a mom not to two girls I mean I-shit this hurts." Kiara said. "You're gonna be an amazing mom and JJs gonna be an amazing dad once he learns how to make a good milkshake." Isabella said. "That milkshake was good." JJ said. "Honey you can't make milkshakes at all." Kiara said. JJ grabbed Kiara's hand and she started to push. "You're doing great Kie." JJ said. "I want to stop." Kiara cried. "Ok you have thirty seconds." Allie said. "You should go over there before she breaks JJs hand." Isabella said. "She'll break mine next I don't want to go over there." Mike said. "I'll do it you big baby." Anna said. Anna walked over by Kiara and grabbed her hand. "Kiara you need to push again." Allie said. Kiara pushed one more time and the first baby girl was out. Allie placed the baby on Kiara chests since she was about to push out another one. "Not again." Kiara groaned. Kiara pushed once and the baby came out. "You're getting a vasectomy." Kiara said. "Let's just wait a few years before I get one." JJ said. "What are you gonna name the first one?" Allie asked. "Bailey Rose Maybank." Kiara said. "And the second one." Allie said. "Olivia Michelle Maybank." JJ said. "Let me hold Livie." JJ said. "Not yet." Allie said. "JJ can you have me the trash can over there." Kiara said. "Are you feeling ok?" JJ said. Kiara threw up into the bucket and Allie noticed that she threw up blood. "I don't feel good." Kiara said. "Can one of you guys call 911." Allie said. JJ and Isabella took the girls into another room while Mike and Anna stayed with Kiara. "Mommy it hurts." Kiara said. "What hurts?" Anna said. "My stomach." Kiara cried. "Ambulance should be here in four minutes." Mike said. Kiara threw up again and it was even more blood. "Kie look at me." JJ said. "The girls." Kiara groaned. "They're with Isabella" JJ said. The paramedics came inside and took Kiara and Isabella to the hospital. "Why is Bella going?" JJ said. "Because she's holding the babies and they need to make sure they're healthy." Allie said. "What if she dies?" JJ said. "The doctors will try everything they can to save her." Anna said. "Come on let's go pick out outfits for the girls to wear and something for Kiara." Mike said. JJ and Mike walked into the nursery while Anna stayed with Allie.

Here's another oneshot let me know if you like it. Also go read my book Home.

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