Jiara:The aftermath of a boat accident

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Context:JJ and Kiara have a 15 year old daughter named Gracelyn but she goes by Gracie. Anyways Kiara and Gracie decide to take the boat out but they didn't know that a storm was approaching. This takes place after the boat has crashed. (The same storm that Sarah and John B went through in season one)

"Mom!" Gracie yelled. "Gracie!" Kiara yelled. Gracie heard her moms voice but she couldn't see her so she yelled for her again. Gracie saw Kiara so she swam over to her as fast as she could. Kiara started swimming over to Gracie as well but she stopped just for a minute because she got a sharp pain in her side. "Mom are you ok." Gracie said as she swam over to Kiara. Gracie saw that Kiara was holding her hand over her side and she saw blood coming from the cut. "Mom your bleeding we need to find help." Gracie said. "Gracie I don't think we can find help out in the middle of the ocean." Kiara said. "Mom I'm cold." Gracie said. "Me too" Kiara said. Both Gracie and Kiara swam over to each other and tried everything they could do to try and stay warm. "Gracie did you tell your dad where we were before crashed?" Kiara asked. "Yea but I don't know if he heard me since he was yelling at me." Gracie said. Kiara just kept trying to stay a float but she was getting tired. "Mom I don't feel good." Gracie said as she started to faint. "Gracie" Kiara said as she tried to hold Gracie up. Kiara was struggling to hold Gracie up and keep herself a float. "Gracelyn wake up!" Kiara yelled. Gracie didn't wake up which made Kiara worry. "Gracie I need you to wake please." Kiara cried. As Kiara started to cry Gracie woke up. "Mom why are you crying?" Gracie said as she started to come back to life. "Gracie your awake thank god." Kiara said. Kiara and Gracie were still treading water when they saw a boat in the distance. "Mom look there's a boat." Gracie said. Kiara didn't answer. "Mom? Mom? Mom!" Gracie yelled. Kiara had started to drown since she passed out. Gracie went under the water and brought Kiara to the surface. "Come on mom breathe." Gracie said as she splashed some water on Kiara's face.

Kiara coughed up the water and saw the boat coming closer. "Gracie there's a boat." Kiara said. "I know. Are you ok?" Gracie asked. "I think so my head hurts and so does my side." Kiara said. "My head hurts too and my ankle is starting to hurt again." Gracie said. Kiara just gave Gracie a kiss on her forehead and then waved her hands to signal the boat. Gracie did the same until the boat came over to them. The boat stopped in front of them and the people on the boat was JJ,John B,Pope,Sarah,and Cleo. "Kiara Gracie are you two alright?" JJ said. "JJ?" Kiara said. JJ tried to help Kiara onto the boat but as he was lifting her up she started to scream. "Kie everything's ok." JJ said trying to be reassuring. "Get me off this thing." Gracie yelled. Kiara kept trying to break out of JJ's grip but he wouldn't let her. Gracie was trying her hardest to push her way out of John B and Popes grip but she failed. "Let me go!" Gracie and Kiara yelled. Everyone let go of them and saw them both limp over to each other. Kiara and Gracie gave each other a hug and then cried into each others shoulders. Sarah and Cleo then walked over to them and slowly joined there hug. "JJ start the boat." John B whispered. JJ started the boat which made Gracie and Kiara startled. JJ and John B switched spots so JJ could walk over to Kiara and Gracie. Cleo and Sarah then removed themselves from the hug and sat on the other side of the boat. "Can you both look at me for a second." JJ said. Kiara and Gracie looked everywhere but at him. "Please just for a second." JJ said. Kiara and Gracie looked at JJ but there eyes were red and swollen from all the crying they've been doing. Gracie was about to say something but she was cutoff by her ankle throbbing.

Gracie screamed in pain and collapsed into JJs arms since she couldn't hold herself up anymore. "JB how close are we?" JJ yelled. "Twenty minutes till we get to the docks." John B yelled. "Kiara you good?" Pope asked. Kiara ended up passing out in Pope arms. "JJ Kiara's out cold." Pope said. "So is Gracie." JJ yelled. Sarah and Cleo ran over to JJ and Pope to try and help while John B sped up the boat. "JJ check if Gracie is breathing." Pope said. JJ checked and luckily she was. Kiara on the other hand was breathing but the cut on her side was getting worse. Pope grabbed some bandages out of the first aid kit and wrapped them around Kiara's cut. JJ was just crying and hooping for some type of miracle. "JJ we're here." John B said as docked the boat. "Ok can one of you guys grab Gracie." JJ said as he gently picked up Kiara. John B went over and picked up Gracie while Pope,Sarah and Cleo got off of the boat. As JJ and John B got off of the boat there were lots of ambulances,and police officers surrounding the docks. JJ and John B brought Gracie and Kiara over to the ambulances and as they were placing them down onto the gurneys JJ just broke down. The paramedics immediately took them to the hospital. JJ followed the ambulance and when he got inside he saw two sets of doctors walking out of there rooms. "Your JJ Maybank correct." A doctor said. "Yes ma'am" JJ said. "Ok well I'm here to inform you that your wife and daughter were both induced into a medical coma because of there injures." The doctor said. "Oh when will they wake up?" JJ asked. "They should be awake within 1-2 days. But until then we won't really know how bad there injuries are." The doctor said as she walked away. John B,Sarah,Pope,and Cleo all hugged JJ they told him that everything was going to be ok and that Kiara and Gracie were going to pull through.

Here's another oneshot for y'all. Lmk if I should do a part 2

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