forty five

2 0 2


The others did all they could before meeting on the fifth floor in the lab. Yin's team made all the noise and collected some useful items along the way while Donnie and the rest got most of the weapons they'd need.

The building was in total chaos. And they were living in it! As soon as everyone was inside the lab Donnie and Raph secured the doors so nobody could get in.

"Any sign of Shredder?" April asked, sitting down to catch her breath.

"No, but there's been talk about him coming here", Yin replied. "And here, I mean, here. They were originally gonna come into this lab. So? Let's have a Star Wars moment and give him the surprise of his fucking life!"

"Yeah!" Raph and Casey shouted, Mikey cheered, everyone else nodded in agreement.

Only Leo, Splinter, and April looked concerned. "What's wrong, guys?" Yin asked. "Isn't it a great plan?"

"Great, indeed, but it comes with great danger", Splinter said gravely. "Don't you remember that we've placed bombs all over this place? You have that detonator. What will happen during a struggle? It could be set off!"

Yin flinched at his tone but she controlled herself. "Sometimes we have to take certain risks!"

"And sometimes we have to realize that these risks are stupid", Leo but in, crossing his arms. "Seriously! Do you really think that all of this is worth it?"

"Fine", Yin spat, narrowing her brows in anger. "I'll just have to do this myself." Without a warning, and the use of a smoke bomb, she disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.

"Yin, no!" But Leo was too late.


Yin stormed through the halls of the fifth floor, walking around like she owned the place, not giving a shit that Kraang were firing at her. She was quick and skilled, moving with accuracy and destroying what was in her way. Over the intercom she heard that Shredder was arriving. I can do this myself! I don't need help.

The she absentmindedly put her hand up to her old scars along her face. Do I need help...? No! Yin angrily shook her head. "I can do this." She hid behind some barrels for cover.

Up ahead she could see Shredder walking around the corner with some body guards and some more Kraang. Things never get old, do they? Time to give them hell. Turning herself invisible, Yin quietly tiptoed and walked behind them.

"I can't believe you fools have been doing this fucking job all your lives and yet you still haven't destroyed them", Shredder spat out loud. "I would've had this done yesterday ago."

"But sir", one of the guards began to reason. "We're trying-ah!"

He was randomly pushed to the wall with such force, from hitting his head he passed out. Everyone else stood rigid, wondering who or what was gonna be next.



One by one, all of Shredder's guards and Kraang companions around him all start dropping to the floor. Yin's chilling, distorted laugh whispered in his ears, causing him to unsheathe the blades from his gauntlets.

"Who are you!?" Shredder snarled, taking one step forward. "Show yourself!"

"I'm the one you wish to destroy", she snarled, coming clear again through smoke. "But this time? You won't leave alive."

Shredder grinned evil-like under his mask. "My spoiled blood. A lab rat. I'm afraid it's you who won't escape this time!"

Then in slight fear she watched Shredder morph and mold into the hideous monster her friends kept hidden from her. "I knew about your hideous ordeal. Now you look like all of the other scum bags of the street."

"Play with me." His voice was not real.

A/N: this line is from a movie called King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword. Amazing movie!

"If this is your way of you asking me to put you out of your misery...I accept." She unsheathed her katana, and she and her father ran at one another.


"Damnit!" Leo shouted in frustration.

Raph rolled his eyes at him. "We know you mean well, bro-but shut the fuck up. It's getting annoying."

"Enough!" Splinter snapped at everyone. "I know what she's doing isn't the best way to go about it. But-all we can do is be there for her. We all know how much this means to her. The turtles will track down Yin's exact location and help her out. Have her toss one of you the detonator and keep it away from the Shredder! Everyone else...come with me."

"Hai, Sensei!", they all said in unison.

So they set out on what they came here to do: take down Shredder and help Yin walk through the Hell she should've exited a long, long time ago.

The Girl With A Story (TMNT, fem! reader) 2012 ver.Where stories live. Discover now