thirty three

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Since it's a week away before a few of the group will go back to New York City, they've all been training more than usual. Karai and April are actually helping Splinter out!

"Very well, everyone", Splinter nodded to Yin and the turtles who were bent over with exhaustion. "Take fifteen."

"Phew!" They all collapsed on the grass.

"!" Yin panted.

"Sometimes I wonder...if Sensei is trying to kill us", Raph said slowly, getting air back in his lungs.

"Me too, bro, me too", Mikey sighed, sitting up again. "Hey! I have an idea."

"No, Mikey, we are not going to all fight each other blindfolded like we did two days ago!" Yin snapped, now sitting up and glaring at him.

"That was awful", Donnie shuddered at the memory. "Never again, please!"

"Awe, but that was so much fun!" Mikey pouted.

"No!", Yin and Donnie shouted in unison.

Leo sat up, looking at his friends. "What about us trying to fight blind folded and switching weapons?"

"Leo? Don't make me chase you as the rest of my exercise today", Yin seethed.

"Heh...maybe?" Leo laughed nervously. "No, no, no, wait! YIN!"

He had to get up and run as fast as he could...because Yin was now chasing him. Everyone got into a fit of laughter while Splinter facepalmed and rolled his eyes to the sky. After about ten minutes of him being chased around the perimeter of the house Yin finally grew tired and gave up.

"I. Hate. You", she panted, giving him a tired glare.

"Heh, I'll be sure not to suggest that again", Leo beamed with his eyes closed.

"Good." Yin was satisfied.

"Now", Splinter began. "I want you guys to go in teams. However works for you is fine with me. "But-I want each team to take a turn playing the heros and villains. The team that will be the heros will guard something and the villains will try to take it away from them."

"Huh. That actually sounds fun", Yin said. "I'm in!"

"Oh, yeah! Sweet", Mikey grinned.

"To make it even...April will be joining", Splinter said, grinning at the girl's expression.

"Awesome!" April smiled. "I'm all for it."

"Good. Now off you all go."


They're in the middle of the woods, all looking at a huge tree stump as their thing they're protecting. The first hero team: Yin, Donnie, Leo. The first villain team: April, Mikey, and Raph. Then once that round is over the roles will be switched.

"Okay, team", Leo said. "Do we have it all down?"

"Yes!", they all replied.

"Now...let's get to it."

Leo, Donnie, and Yin all took their place at a point in front of the tree stump. They all have their eyes and ears open for the others. Each of them all spotted movement up ahead. They're really bad at being villains, Yin smirked to herself. started raining pinecones on them! Irritated, Yin turned into a Snareling and teleported into the tree, scared the shit out of Mikey, and got him down.

"Nice one!", Donnie and Leo said to Yin in unison.

Raph and April put up a bigger fight. In the end the heros had won! They decided to rest for a few minutes before continuing on.

"I can't wait to be a villain", Yin said with a grin. "I've been practicing my powers whenever I couldn't sleep. So...y'all's better keep one eye open!"

"Ha! With April's powers we'll be the ones winning", Raph smirked smugly.

"I don't think so." Donnie and Leo were behind Yin and she held a smoke bomb. "I know so." She threw it down and the three of them disappeared.


Yin, Leo, and Donnie all hid in a tree about a mile away. They're currently talking about how to take the win from the others!

"How have you been training your powers?", Donnie asked.

"I've been learning how to teleport in my human form", she began. "And I'm learning how to turn invisible for a long amount of time! With Snarelings they're technically invisible, but only for a few seconds. With me-? I can make myself invisible for five minutes. And every time I touched an object, while invisible, I'll look at that exact object and think it into an invisible state. Also five minutes! Cool, huh?" Yin beamed.

"Awesome!" Leo and Donnie said at once.

"When we're about halfway there to where the others are at I'll turn us invisible then." Yin was smiling.

"Cool! Let's do this", Leo said with a mischievous grin.

Then they began the run. Using her sight, Yin could see them pointing and getting ready for them. Nodding-Yin held out her hands and on either side, Donnie and Leo took her hand. Closing her eyes...she breathed out deeply and opened them again, and they were a ghostly yellow. Then...they disappeared.

"Remember...only five minutes", Yin whispered into the wind.

"Hey! What gives?", Mikey pouted. "Where'd they go?"

"I don't...sense them", April huffed in frustration.

"Wait... Maybe they're-ah!" Raph was knocked down, and Donnie's laugh bounced off the wind and the leaves.

"Catch us if you see us!", Leo's voice taunted.

"Yin!?" Raph grumbled out, standing back up. "What'd you do!"

"Only what a villain would do. Gotta play the part..." Then she bent down to whisper in Raph's ear. "Right~?"


Still invisible, Leo and Donnie got Raph out of the way. Then while Yin and Leo distracted Mikey, Donnie went for April. April had stronger intuition...but that soon fell short as Donnie trapped her.

"Mikey!" April exclaimed. "It's all up to you!"

"I can't!" Mikey sighed in defeat, feeling exhausted. "I'm...beaten!"

As soon as Mikey fell the invisible trio became visible again. They celebrated, and helped the others to their feet.

"That!" Raph beamed. "How'd you do it?"

"Well...practice with my powers", Yin smirked. "Admit it-I was even better than you!"

"Pfft, like hell you were", Raph deadpanned, crossing his arms.

"I have to admit it, Yin, that was quite the talent", April commented.

"But your telekinesis was so much cooler!" Yin raved. "That was amazing!"

On the way back they all talked about cool moments that they've had. When they got home they saw Splinter and Karai sparring.

"We're back!" Yin announced. " was great!"

"Oh?" Splinter was curious, him and Karai both stopping. "How so?"

"We played the better villains", Leo bragged. "But...the others did great too."

"Yin had been practicing her powers so she made us three invisible for five minutes!" Donnie exclaimed.

"Really?" Splinter turned to Yin, eyes glowing with a light of a proud father.

"Awesome", nodded Karai.

"Mhm", Yin smiled. "I've been doing it ever since I had trouble sleeping. I stay up an extra hour and a half practicing."

"I'm proud of you, Yin", Splinter smiled. "Tonight? We celebrate!"

The Girl With A Story (TMNT, fem! reader) 2012 ver.Where stories live. Discover now