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It's been a month since Yin's accident, and a month and a half since she's been staying with Splinter and the turtles. She still hasn't told them what she now knows. Time will tell...time will tell.

All of Yin's wounds are healing up nicely. But the one that went right through her eye still needs some mending to do. But-she's back to training! And she's pushing herself even more. And she's gotten better at the katana, too.

Everyone is having dinner: pizza. They're all discussing average, every day things.

"Hey", Mikey said aloud after belching. "Can we go to April's old summer house? Tonight?"

Leo tilted his head, the others are also confused. "Why would you wanna go back there?"

"I just wanna see how it looks since we left it", he said, "just because."

"Why did you guys stay there?" Yin asked, finishing her slice.

"It was...a long story", Donnie smiled awkwardly. "Kraang invaded New York and we had no place to go."

Her jaw dropped. "Really?"

Raph nodded his head. "Yep. And it was hell. I'm glad we're back here, again."

"Hm", Yin replied.

"On the weekend, you can", Splinter replied. "Since it's almost Spring people will be busier than usual. Which means the Kraang will amp up their activity in searching for Yin. The best time to go will be at night."

"So...am I gonna go with them? Or, do I have to stay?" Yin asked, looking at Splinter. "I've gotten better in my training! Pleaseeeeee?"

"Fine. You may go-if you do two extra hours of training with me." Splinter gave a cheeky grin.

Yin deadpanned. "Fine. What are you gonna train me in?"

"The rope dart", he said, "it's one of the most deadly weapons with even more deadly accuracy if used correctly."

"Sounds awesome!"

"Really, Sensei?" Donnie asked, mild concern lacing his voice. "The scar that's going through her eye still needs some healing. She could accidentally hit it and make it bleed again."

"That is true, which is why I'm having her practice with a regular rope first", he said, "I'm not a doofus."


Splinter showed her the basic moves, and she copied him. He made her do it until Yin could do it in smooth motions.

"This is awesome!" Yin grinned, doing it the last time. "I love this."

Splinter smiled. "That is why I'm training you to use this so this can be your main weapon."

"Oh, cool, thanks!" Yin was smiling from ear to ear. "Can you call the guys in? I wanna show them!"

"Of course." Splinter was pleased to see her eager to show her new skills.

The guys came in a minute later and sat in a line side by side. Yin was so excited! And, more cool that she's now blind in her left eye, but she can still do it if she had the sight. Yin showed off the basic moves Splinter just taught her.

"Ta-da!" Yin bowed dramatically.

"Wow! That's pretty cool, that could take out a lot of Kraang droids and Foot bots", Raph comments.

"That was so cool! It kind of behaves like my nunchucks", Mikey replied.

"Yeah!" Yin replied. "Hey, Splinter? Do you think, maybe...you can hook me up with some cool outfit of some sorts?" She grinned sheepishly.

The Girl With A Story (TMNT, fem! reader) 2012 ver.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora