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There was a time and a place when the world was in total darkness. And through it all...a girl had to live through it. Little Yin L/n was born to a young happy couple who wanted nothing more than to start a life together. Living in the city of Manhattan, New York, they loved it.

And especially with a child now-their worlds would be filled with all sorts of adventures! But...things didn't go as the couple had hoped. During the pregnancy, Yin's mother was diagnosed with liver cancer. And the pregnancy made it worse. But neither her mother nor father cared. Having a child meant so much to them!

Luckily, little Yin survived the full nine months and was borne into the world happy and healthy. It was a miracle that she made it alive without complications! But...the whole ordeal made her mother sicker by the month. Just as Yin turned four...her mother had died. It ruined her father's well-being but he had to stay strong. Especially for his little girl.

When family members on both sides of the family learned the news, surprisingly, most of them hated Yin! Only cousins and nieces and nephews(which wasn't a lot) didn't. It was like the others blamed her for her mother's death.

Her father had to pay the bills somehow. But...he signed a contract that he wishes he never did. He worked at the TCRI facility in the heart of the city. And...he was doing things he didn't like. But-he was forced to because if he didn't they would kill him! And by 'they'...meaning Kraang droids , evil robots. And...Yin would be all alone.

Only at four, Yin had a strong grasp already of what was going on around her. She noticed her dad was hardly around, the only 'parent figure' she really had was the female babysitter that came every day. She pretty much lived there for God's sake!

When 6:30pm rolled around-which was the time her father normally came home-Yin and her babysitter were visited by droids to give them a message: her father had died due to a mistake in the lab's tank supply of chemicals and reactants.

In the contract that he signed that he didn't know: if the person has a child, if they die, the TCRI would take the children!

And that's what they came to do. No matter how much Yin would scream and cry and wrestle...they took her away to a place where the pain would be much worse. They broke her body but not her fiery spirit. They hit her. They cut her. They bruised her. But never killed her.

And it would be like that for a long time...until her seventeenth birthday.

A/N: Hola, people! Welcome to a new book! Here is info on the main character!

A/N: Hola, people! Welcome to a new book! Here is info on the main character!

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Name-Yin L/N


Hair color-dark gray

Eye color-brown

A/N: picture isn't mine.

The Girl With A Story (TMNT, fem! reader) 2012 ver.Where stories live. Discover now