thirty eight

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Yin, Karai, Raph, and Leo are all gearing up in the Party Wagon. Now's the time that they're going back to the city!

"Good luck, guys!" Donnie, Mikey, and April said in unison, hugging the others.

Splinter stood back and watched. He feared for them that this could be the last time he saw them...or they saw him, whatever comes first.

"Bye, Splinter", Yin said, waving to him with a smile on her face. "Be back within a week!"

They piled into the Party Wagon and off they drove! Leo was at the wheel while the rest of them were in the back, discussing what to do when they got to Shredder's mansion.

"I swear once I see that freak I'm gonna shred him, no pun intended", Raph grumbled.

Karai chuckled. "He may be skilled, but his hatred will be what kills him."

"You guys really like the outfit, him?", said Yin, adjusting the sleeves on her arms.

"Yeah!" Raph nodded. "Personally I like the other one better, it suits you more."

Aw, how nice. "Thanks. Yeah, I kinda like my usual one-but no biggie! Hey, Karai?"


"Didn't you say that Shredder's mansion is covered in traps? Inside and out?"

"Yeah", she nodded, twirling her sword in her hand. "If he's so sure he'll win why does he need traps? Just proves that he's weaker than we think."

"Don't get too cocky, guys", Leo said, looking in the review mirror. "We don't want to get ahead of ourselves."

Yin deadpanned. "Yes, Leo, we don't want to be confident in our skills to take down a deadbeat for a father."

"Good one, Yin", Raph smirked, giving her a high-three.

"Ditto", Karai chuckled. "Leo, I get that you're worried-but you can't guide where our feet are gonna step."

Yin didn't say anything and stared into space. It was still a bit awkward for her to talk to him, but...she feels bad that Leo carries so much stress everyday. Karai does have a point though... She pulled out her phone and scrolled through the news, hoping to see what bullshit was put out for the evening.

A couple hours into the drive and they decided to pull off to the side and stretch out their legs. "Hey, Yin, go up that tree and see if you can see anything, hm?" Leo asked.

Yin nodded briefly, not her usual cheery smile. "Mhm." She teleports up onto a thick branch, strong enough to support her weight.

"Anything?", called Raph from below.

"No!" Yin leapt from the tree and landed. "All clear."

"We packed food, didn't we? I'm hungry", Karai yawned, leaning against the vehicle.

"If you wanna go into a store where you can get caught-go ahead", Raph snarked.

"I did!" Yin got the back off her shoulders and tossed a mini bag of chips to each of them. Yes-Leo too. "Here."

"Finally." Karai tore open the bag and began munching.

Leo inhaled his and was done within half a minute. "Okay, team! Just a few more minutes and then we're on the road again. Not too long before we get to Shredder's mansion."

Yin stared up at the sky. "Look! A falling star." She pointed up. "Cool~!"

The others stared up with her, they too seeing some of their own. And then? A meteor shower began to happen. Their eyes widen in amazement, taking in the beautiful sight! Neither of them have seen it before but they've seen pictures and heard about them.

The Girl With A Story (TMNT, fem! reader) 2012 ver.Where stories live. Discover now