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Leo and Yin walked back to the lair. They played it cool, acted like nothing ever happened. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling. Yin was surprised by how well Leo played it cool.

Casey wasn't able to come over because he had a lot of stuff to take care of! But-that is totally okay. Yin was pretty tired so she skipped dinner and went to bed. She sighed dreamily as she got comfortable under the covers.

And she had a wonderful sleep! She felt well rested when she woke up the next morning. First-breakfast, second-training time. After training they all went to watch TV for awhile.

"Hey, Yin, so-the name of the Kraang's project was a nickname your dad gave you?" Donnie asked as he pulled out his laptop and started typing.

"Yeah, why?" Yin tilts her head.

"I'm going through the things on the flashdrive, and order to access that water tower that the Kraang are gonna use...it seems that we need a passcode."

Yin had a thought. "Maybe...maybe my nickname could be it. My dad-who's really my uncle-he was pretty much the one who built it. But that was against his will."

"It sounds about right" Donnie agreed. "Soon we need to go back and see if we can really put an end to this."

"It's dangerous, out there", Splinter warned, worry hardening his voice. "With what's about to come I can't afford to lose all of you."

"What are you saying, Sensei?" Mikey tilts his head.

"No patrolling for the rest of the week", he snapped at all of them. "Tomorrow we'll begin more training than usual."

"What?", they all gasped in exasperation.

"B-But that's not fair!" Yin protested.

"Do you think when you snuck off last time and almost got yourself killed fair?" Splinter shouted at her, making her flinch. "That's final!" He walked away again.

"Doesn't he realize we have a war to stop?" Yin spat, "we need to be out there!"

"Exactly!" Raph grumbled. "We shouldn't be down here to not stop a war based on his personal beliefs!"

"Enough", Leo snapped. "We must obey Sensei."

"That's right, dudes!" Mikey chimed in.

"They do have a point, though, guys", Donnie sighed. "Splinter is keeping us down here while we have important business to do."

"So let's go out tonight!" Raph exasperated.

"Remember what happened with Yin, Raph?" Leo's gaze hardened on his brother. "She nearly died."

Great, this is becoming about me, as usual. Yin held her tongue.

"True, but the name of the project is her nickname", Donnie reasoned. "Don't you think you wanna find out too?"

"I am most certainly not going to risk my friend's life when times are at its worst", Leo hissed at both of them. "We've lost so much already!"

"We can sneak out!" Mikey exclaimed.

The four of them got into a bickering circle, fighting over what to do. Yin's anxiety was rising and she didn't know what to do.

"Guys", she said. Yin wasn't loud enough. "Guys!" Bro-are they deaf? "GUYS! STOP FIGHTING!"

They all got quiet and turned slowly to see their friend fuming, holding back her tears.

"Is every source of every argument from now on gonna be about me!?" Yin wasn't done shouting yet. "Am I worth arguing over? It's not fair! None of this shit is! All of you need to look at the real problem, but I guess I'm making it worse!!"

The Girl With A Story (TMNT, fem! reader) 2012 ver.Where stories live. Discover now