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They all made it home safely, Splinter greeting them all when they came. Then...? They all went to bed. As Yin was in the installed bathroom in April's room(it's pretty much hers now), she stared at herself in the mirror. Her scars looked...hideous. The one going straight through her eye still needs some work done.

Slipping into a black crop top and black sweats she brushes her teeth and puts up her hair in a bun as April taught her. Then, she strolls into Donnie's lab for some medicine.

He gave her permission to go in whenever she felt the need to get something. Aha! Here it is. Yin gets some ointment and carefully rubs it into the wound.

"Why is it taking so long to heal", Yin grumbled amongst herself. "The attack was almost two and a half months ago."

"Sometimes, things take longer than we want. It's what comes after we should appreciate."

"AHH-! Sensei!" Yin calmed down when she saw him. "Did...did I wake you?"

"Yes and no. My senses told me you were up and I thought that I'd come check on you. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine", Yin replied. " you ever get the feeling that you meet some turtles and their rat master who's super cool and you befriend them all but have a feeling like four turtles have feelings for the same girl and you don't know what to do about it?", she blurted.

Splinter chuckled. "I know my sons well enough to know what directions their feelings are headed. Dear coming into their lives has lifted up their spirits so much that it wasn't in my control anymore. I have prayed for a long time that something good will come along...or someone."

"Aww, Splinter", Yin got all sappy. "That's so sweet! But...this...doesn't bother you?"

"No, not at all. Donnie had feelings for April once. He's taking some time...but he's coming around. And Leo? He used to have feelings for Miwah. But he learned in his own time that there would be nothing between them. Raph had his love taken away from him like mine was from me. Mikey? Eh, he's just a goof."

They both laughed. His words made sense to Yin. She made a big impact on their lives more than she realized. The turtles are all special. They went into the kitchen and Splinter made tea for her. Then Yin went back to bed and fell asleep. Not a single nightmare.

Waking up the next morning she was energized. Great! A new day! She was greeted by Raph.

"Hey, you, how'd you sleep?" He said as they fell into step by one another and went to the kitchen.

"Great! Actually? Pretty amazing", she yawned. "You?"

"I did alright", he yawned, giving his eyes their last rub for the morning.

"What will Sensei be teaching us today?" Yin asked as she opened the fridge.

"Eh, who knows with him, he switches it up on us so much that we never know anymore", he grumbled.

Yin chuckled. "True. My guess? Is that we have to fight with each other's weapons." She pulled out some eggs.

"Oh, don't even mention it!" Raph complained, rolling his eyes. "He forced us to do that one time. Didn't end well."

"I figured", Yin laughed. "How much?"

"Eh, three. Don't care how. Say-did Mikey teach you?"

"Yep! I'm surprised with his knowledge of food", Yin said, heating up the pan.

"Me too. One time, he made a pizza with shit from the garbage he put on top."

Yin gagged. "Ew! That's so nasty." She cracked three eggs and started to scramble them up.

The Girl With A Story (TMNT, fem! reader) 2012 ver.Where stories live. Discover now