forty four

4 0 0


Donnie, Karai, Raph, and Yin all successfully snuck inside. Their next plan is to find a way to sneak into a security room to scope out where they need to go next.

"That was a nice move back there, Raph", Yin chuckled quietly. "You're like Snow White."

"I am not", he whisper-shouts back.

"And Snow White is your favorite movie because of the animals", she playfully teased him in a low tone.

Raph blushed out of embarrassment and annoyance. "Shut. Up."

"If you both wanna get us caught, go ahead!" Donnie seethed.

"Cool it, Einstein, I was just thinking of an idea", Yin retorted. "Aha! I can make us all invisible, but only for roughly ten minutes."

"Done and done, let's do it", Karai said eagerly.

All joining hands, Yin worked her magic. And...poof! Just as they turned invisible a few Kraang came walking around the corner and down the other hallway.

"Phew... Okay, y'all, let's go", Yin said, determined.

After about seven minutes of sneaking around they all find the security room.

"Donnie, figure out how to get logged into the system", Yin said. "While the rest of us can find any helpful clues."

While Donnie got to work the others began looking around the room to find anything that could help them. Raph was throwing a fit with about fifteen seconds in, Mikey was egging him on, Donnie was trying to focus while also quietly yelling at them.

"Shut...up!" Yin snapped. "I'm trying to-...!" When she randomly looked up at the ceiling, one of the chrome tiles looked like it was out of place. "Huh. Raph, a lift?"

Raph went over and hoisted her up onto his shoulders. "A secret thing, eh?"

"Yep!" She grunted and pushed the tile aside. "Fuck. I'm the only one that can fit..."

"Aha!" Donnie was happy. "I'm in the system. Yin? Whatever you're gonna do...please don't do anything you're not comfortable doing."

After getting down from Raph's shoulders she goes over and gives him a quick hug. "Aw, cute of you to assume I'll be safe. But sure!"

Getting up there herself this time, she begins to map out in her mind on where to go next through the vents of TCRI.


"Oh, jeez", Casey facepalms. "Just got a text from Raph. What? It says that Yin's going off on her own through the vents of the stinking place to try to find Shredder while the others try and figure out how to take the place down!"

"What?", everyone else gasped.

"She's going off on her own again!?" Mikey fretted, then turning to Splinter. "Sensei-we have to go!"

"Yeah!" April agreed. "We can't stay here any longer. If we do, we-."

"Either way we risk all of our lives!" Splinter's voice came over them. "But I understand that you want to help your family. Fine. Let them know we're on our way."

"Just did!" Casey grinned. "Donnie said I can track his location, himself, Raph, and Karai are in the main security room."

"Let's go!" Mikey cheered.


"I've been up in this bitch for fifteen minutes", Yin grumbled quietly to herself as she army-crawled around in the vents. "Aha..." Peering through a hole she sees she's right above the main room where the Kraang hold meetings. "Bingo."

The Girl With A Story (TMNT, fem! reader) 2012 ver.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant