twenty four

7 1 0


Yin screamed until she couldn't anymore. She cried until she couldn't anymore. She fought until she couldn't anymore. Leo barely made it alive, by the end, he was so close to fainting. And when he saw Yin-his heart stopped beating.

She hung her head low, her eyes closed. New freshly placed bruises and cuts overlapped the old and healing ones. Blood trickled down the side of her face. They did this to keep me distracted from her. I should've known...

"Lucky me-I ain't that cruel to fight you to your death", Kraang Sub-Prime laughed loudly. "Now...take your shitty excuse of a human friend and get out of here."

"What's the big hurry?" Leo sneered, still tense.

"Because your brothers and your pathetic rat master with some other horrible mutants are here trying to rescue the both of you! And we've decided to launch the project early so one of your brothers is out there, possibly being fried." Kraang Sub-Prime shrugged and floated away.

Leo's eyes widened. Without giving it another thought, he rushed to Yin and got her down from the post. Scooping her up in his arms he almost didn't wanna look at her because of the state she was in.

"Yin..." His voice cracked. "Damnit, my brothers and Sensei are in trouble, yet I have you I need to watch over... I have to do something."


"Are we close, Rockwell?" Mikey shouted anxiously, he and the others running away, trying not to get shot by Kraang.


"You've been saying that for an hour!" Raph snapped. "If you're playing some sick joke then it needs to-!"

"Do you really think I'd joke about something like this!?" Rockwell retorted, shooting him a glare. "You've lost your pathetic mind."

"Who are you-!?"

"Enough!" Splinter snapped. "We both know that arguing will not get us anywhere. We just have to-."

"Guys!" Mikey gasped, pointing ahead of them. "It's-!"

"Leo!" Raph called out, "we're coming!"

"Is that...Yin?" Rockwell gasped in astonishment. "I hardly recognized her."

Leo's voice was pained. "They-."

Splinter rested a hand on his shoulder. They were all able to stop for a moment because they found a hiding spot. "My son... I wish times were better than this. But you do realize that you have a major responsibility now. Right?"

"Yes, Sensei, it's just that I don't know what to do. I don't want to make the wrong choice..." Leo sighed, looking down at Yin who is still asleep.

"Whatever it is, I know that we need to get the hell outta here, regroup with the Mutanimals and meet Donnie and Pigeon Pete at the site", Raph snapped. "We don't have time. And Shredder is going to be there!"

"We gotta go, dudes!" Mikey exclaimed.

"What about Yin?" Leo's voice shook as they began running again, guarding her with all his being.

"You can stay in the Party Wagon when we get there", Splinter told him as they all ran. "Now-we have no time to waste!"

Dodging everything that was in their way, the gang made it out alive. Everyone else ran in front and behind Leo who was carrying Yin, to give them somewhat of a barrier. Leo held her close to his chest, protecting her with his life.

There were some Kraang droids following them, but Slash and Leatherhead took them out quickly. After about running for five miles they make to the site. Project Blue Bell...what a name that was.

The Girl With A Story (TMNT, fem! reader) 2012 ver.Where stories live. Discover now