forty two

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Everyone else but Yin and Casey stayed up, thinking of a plan to come up with. The two teenagers were so tired that they fell asleep within seconds. Neither of them had a bad dream.

But...Yin just had to wake up at 3:00am, and she heard the hushed voices of Donnie, Splinter, and April. They're in the old pizza oven room... She yawned and turned over onto her right side, closing her eyes again. But she found herself to be restless.

"Ugh", she grumbled quietly. "This shit again?" Sitting up she quietly walks into the room.

"And all we need-. Oh! Hi, Yin" Donnie said, smiling when he saw her. "You doing okay?"

"Can't sleep", she pouted. "Are y'all still working on a plan?"

"We're just about done", April said, gleaming, "we'll all split up equally between the Party Wagon and the Shell Razor and we'll both hide out two miles away from the TCRI building: South and North. Who's ever with Donnie will go inside and one of you will stay with him to make sure his shell doesn't get cracked. Everyone else from both teams will split up throughout the whole building and place bombs in well-hidden places."

"And then we make it outside safely and then-boom!" Donnie beamed.

"It's a risky one to pull off", Splinter added. "But I think we have a shot at this."

"What about Shredder?" Yin said, worrying. "Back at the mansion, Tiger Claw told me that Stockman escaped to warn him! He could be anywhere..."

"Awe, don't worry" Donnie replied with a sympathetic smile as he walked over and put his hands on her shoulders. "We'll all be with you."

"Yes, we will!" April chimed in, Splinter just nodding with a grin on his face too.

Yin smiled, then yawning. "I probably have insomnia from all the shit that has happened in my life."

Donnie chuckled sympathetically. "You're certainly showing signs of it. Don't worry-I'll fix up a remedy for you to take and see if that helps once I actually get stuff that I need."

"Thanks, Donnie."

They all parted ways and headed to bed. Yin actually fell asleep more quickly than normal this time, and stayed asleep before finally waking up at 8:30am. Once everyone was awake they ate breakfast and instantly began to split up in pairs to train.

Yin decided to go with Raph for a partner. With such drive, stubbornness, strength, and skill? They're equally dangerous. They have decided to focus mainly on their kicking moves.

"Nice! Your kicks are getting more swift and fluent", Raph grinned, putting his arms down from blocking.

"Thanks!", Yin smiled back, eager. "I'm surprised I didn't faceplant at all."

Raph smirked. "Yeah, same here. You would've ate shit by-ahh!"

With him rambling, Yin took the opportunity to sweep his feet from under him. Grinning smugly she stands over him as she holds out her hand. "Sorry~", she grinned. "Couldn't pass it up."

Raph took her hand and got back up again. "Haha, very funny. I'm glad that your voice is normal again...minus your appearance."

"Yeah", Yin shrugged, "it's whatever now."

"Do you think you'll still go up to the surface?", he asked. "Just me-but I wouldn't."

"Eh, maybe once in awhile", she said wistfully. "I don't know...not for a long time, that's for sure."

Raph initiated the next sparring match, going for a basic strike. "Don't worry, whatever gets in your way you'll kick ass as usual."

Yin blocked and did the next move. "Thanks, Raph."


After training all day, pretty soon the sun began to sink in the sky. Everyone was gearing up and readying to go. Nobody said anything-but each of them were all wondering and worried if this mission would be successful or not...

"All right", Splinter spoke aloud to everyone. "There will be two teams. Each of you must play your part well, do all that you can."

"Hai, Sensei!", everyone shouted.

"The first team is...April, Casey, Michaelangelo, Leonardo, myself. The other team is...Donatello, Raphael, Karai...and Yin."

Yin beamed. "I'll do everything that I can."

"Let's do this, dudes!" Mikey cheers. "Boo-ya-kasha!"

And they set out. The two teams going in their designated vehicles, they make their move. This was it: they'll settle the score, once and for all!

A/N: sorry that this chapter is so short! Writer's block...

The Girl With A Story (TMNT, fem! reader) 2012 ver.Where stories live. Discover now