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For twelve years-twelve years-Yin will finally be able to get out of here. All she has to do is come up with a plan, of course. She's been thinking and thinking...for weeks! Now-she's got it. In TCRI all of the hallways and everything...they look the same! But she's been forced to walk those halls 24/7 that Yin has got the place out mapped in her head.

Staring at the clock on her wall, she would wait at 11:00pm to pick her cell lock. Such a shame that they don't put cameras in the cells. Shit-...they have them on the outside.

"Hmmm", she stared at the ceiling from lying on her back on the meezly bed she had. "By midnight I'm always let out to roam. But I have to have a guard with me. Then...maybe I can try to pull the stunt that's gonna possibly kill me. Yeah. I'll do that."

"What did you say?", snapped her cell guard.

"Nothing that concerns you", Yin snarked back. "Nothing at all."

"You better not screw up your midnight let-loose." He glared at her out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh, I'm gonna let loose, alright..." Yin growled under her breath.

Thankfully her cell guard turned back around. Phew! Since it's gonna be him that's gonna take me around...I bet I can convince him to let me go alone to the lab. Which...the lab is on the first floor! And it's just two hallway passes from the entrance.

Her plan was set in motion as it hit midnight. Play it cool, play it normal. You got this, Yin. Don't be a dumbass.

"Say, since I'm cooped up in this cell and I pretty much can't really go anywhere, I'm gonna ask some questions. A girl can get bored and lonely in there!" Ever since my cellmate died...I haven't been the same.

Her cell guard rolled his eyes as they got in the elevator. "Fine. Where do you wanna go to. The lab, I'm assuming? Since your pointless ass always wants to go there."

Yin ignored that part. "Ooh, yes, please." Now they're on the way down. "Okay, first question: how many security droids are covering the floor by the entrance?"

"Five." Okay...not too bad.

Yin held back a smile. "And since you think I'm pointless-how many minutes is the lab from the entrance?"

He narrowed his eyes at her, but he shrugged his shoulders and stared on ahead again. "Ten by walking, three and a half if you run for it."

"Okay", Yin shrugged, playing it off. "Just curious. That's all~!"

Her cell guard rolled his eyes again as the elevator door opened. "You annoy me. To no end."

"Makes us even", she smiled. "Now", she began again as they walked down a hall. "Would you be a kind soul and let me go in by myself?"

"You know us guards are never allowed to leave", he hissed in a hushed tone.

"You say I annoy you to no end so I just thought it'd be fitting", she sighed dramatically.

"Oh, my god. Fine, whatever, just don't screw shit up in there", he pinched the bridge of his nose as she whistled by him and walked into the lab, her cell guard standing right outside.

Yes! My plan is working! Yin could barely contain herself. Guess these people are more stupid than they thought. She finds...nothing that she can use. So-? After casually looking around she tip-toes to the entrance.

"Okay, okay..." Yin breathed out. "Now or never."

She crept outside and safely turned the corner. Her heart is pounding now. Ugh, there is security cameras...! She gulped down her fear...and ran. Over her shoulder she heard shouting.

The Girl With A Story (TMNT, fem! reader) 2012 ver.Where stories live. Discover now