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"Danryll! Danryll! Dan...ryll..." Zyrille covered her mouth and shock was written on her face. Tears immediately fell when she recognized the man in Danryll's arms. "No! What happened? No... Dad..."

"T-They're too much. I will kill them!" Danryll was furious.

"How about Trestan? Blair? Where are they?" Zyrille's heart pounded so hard while looking for the two. She will not forgive herself if the two also became the victims of their inhumane acts. "Trestan? Blair? Trestan! Blair!"

"Zyrille..." Danryll called. "Come here." He opened a secret room that only he and Dr. De Vega knew.

"What..." She was surprised while wiping her tears. She followed him inside and saw monitors.

Danryll tapped something on the keyboard and saw the previous video records on the screens.

"They're safe. Thank goodness." Zyrille's knees weakened but she felt relieved to know that Trestan and Blair survived, thanks to the doctor's sacrifice. She owes him a lot.

"Motherf*cking sh*t." The table almost breaks after Danryll punches it hard. "That f*cker! If only we know. Damn!" He punched again. "That traitor! I will kill him!"

Zyrille couldn't utter a word after she watched the brutal death of Dr. De Vega.

'Of all people... How could he?' She clenched her fists while looking sharply at the man on the screen.


"You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will used against you—sh*t." Ferran didn't finish his sentence when the man he was arresting hit him in the nose that made it bleed.

Timotheus caught the man before he could even run but he fought against him and kicked the man at the back of his knee to put him down.

"You okay?" Timotheus tried his best not to laugh at his future self.

"Don't ask. F*ck." He was holding his nose and it's still hurting. "Where's Sanchez?"

"I don't know." Timotheus shrugged his shoulders and escorted the man in the police car.

"Xol..." Ferran called. "Where's Sanchez?"

"He's..." He looked around, stopped his eyes in one direction, and pointed the man at Ferran's back. "There he is."

"Sanchez! What—what happened to you?" Ferran walked toward him and was about to touch his arm which was injured but Sanchez stepped backward.

"I'm... I'm fine. N-No need to worry." He forced a smile before heading to the nearest comfort room.

Ferran was about to go after him when Xol spoke.

"Sir, it's about time."

"Did you already inform them?" Ferran was eager to end everything.

"They're on their way, sir."

"Let's go." Ferran said and nodded while Timotheus followed him until they got in the car.

"Sanchez is acting strange." Timotheus uttered at the backseat.

"You think so?" Ferran noticed it too because Sanchez wasn't his usual self when they arrived at the airport.

Sanchez knocked at the window and Ferran rolled it down.

"Go first. I'll just check on Julsen. I... I'm worried. He's not answering my calls."

"I can go with you." Ferran offered.

"No. No. I know that you have priorities. I have mine too. Now go. See... you there." Sanchez tapped the side of the car before leaving.

Timotheus sat on the passenger seat beside Ferran. They are just silent while traveling. Xol became their convoy and the other men under him.

Someone's calling Timotheus through his phone. When he saw the recipient, he immediately answered it.

"Timotheus..." Sobs were heard from the other line. "Dr. De Vega... he's dead."

"What? Damn..." Timotheus massaged the bridge of his nose after hearing the bad news.

"What? Something wrong?" Ferran looked at him then diverted his gaze on the road.

"You will not believe who did it. Jul—Danryll!" Timotheus heard Zyrille's voice from the other line. "We need to go. Something's going on with the kids... What?"

"Hey—hello? Danryll!" Timotheus looked at the screen of his phone and the call ended. "Dr. De Vega... he died. He was killed."

"What? How? What happened? I thought that laboratory was exclusive?" Ferran tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

"I don't know but..." Timotheus paused. "One thing is for sure, there is a traitor within us."


"Chief..." Trestan became hopeful after he confirmed that they encountered a good person.

"Young people, what... What are you doing here? In the middle of nowhere?" The Chief looked around and saw no one but them.

"Chief, help us. We..." Trestan looked at Blair to ask if they would tell him or not about their situation. "We... Uhm... We're chased by the people that wanted us dead."

"What? Who?" The Chief's eyebrows formed into one line.

"W-We don't know. Please... help us." Blair said.

"Hop in." Chief sat in the passenger seat while he had someone who's wearing a police uniform sitting on the driver's seat.

"What's that?" The Chief asked, pertaining to the briefcase Trestan was holding.

"It's the cure that we must protect." Blair answered.

"Cure? What cure?"

"Cure that will end the spreading of virus, Chief."

"Trestan, your dad's calling." Blair handed him the phone.

"Hey, dad."

"Trestan! Damn... I thought you're dead... Did you already know? Dr. De Vega's dead." His dad said. Trestan looked at Blair and he couldn't say a thing to her. They already knew but confirming it is heartbreaking news. "Where are you? Are you safe?"

"Yes, dad. We're safe. Chi—" Trestan sniffed an unusual odor that made them dizzy.

"Trestan? Trestan? Hello?"

'Sh*t. What's happening?' Trestan asked in his mind. 'Damn... We're in danger!'

He did his best to stop them. Trestan hit the driver with the briefcase he was holding. It made the man unconscious. They almost crashed into the barricade when the Chief, wearing a gas mask, controlled the steering wheel and immediately stepped on the break.

"Blair! We need to get out of here!" He pulled her out of the car and they ran but a gun rang out in the middle of the silent night.


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