Start from the beginning

He sighed heavily and got out of bed to brew coffee. He turned on the radio like he always does every morning. He always hears 90s music on the radio station of San Lorenzo.

Five o'clock in the morning when Blair woke up. She was cooking breakfast while Ferran was preparing for work. As he put the belt around his waist, he heard the SL News that made him stop moving.

["SL News... This morning, a group of terrorists stormed the town of San Andres. Lots of innocent citizens died and some were captured and currently held by said terrorists. The local government of San Andres asking for help in neighboring areas---"]

Ferran turned off the radio and went outside. Blair looked at him while preparing the table. She was confused by his sudden action. 'Did he remember something in that news?' She asked her mind and shook her head.

He dropped Blair off at the university and proceeded to the station.



"I need to say something important to you."

"What is it?" Sanchez asked and left the folder he was holding on the table. He faced Ferran while sitting on his swivel chair and crossing his arms.

Ferran looked at his wristwatch. It's 7:47 A.M. and probably at exactly eight o'clock in the morning, the Chief will call for a meeting regarding the San Andres terrorism.

"The Chief will choose eight policemen from our station to be sent to San Andres tomorrow."

"San Andres? And? Do we... Do we belong to those eight?" Sanchez gulped.

"Nope... You and Ferran have to finish something important that day so you're out with this case."

"So what will happen tomorrow? You look so worried."

"Beltran will die tomorrow," Ferran said and leaned on the backrest of his swivel chair.

"Wh... What?" Sanchez asked with horror written on his face. Blood seemed to escape from his face.

"Tomorrow will be Beltran's death day. I want to change that but I don't know what to do. F*ck. What are we going to do to save him?" Sanchez stayed silent and he looked in deep thought. "I don't want to see him dead for the second time because of that tragedy."

"He'll die..." Sanchez mumbled that only he could hear.


"Nothing. Maybe, we need to talk to him about this---"

"He'll not believe us."

"Maybe we should take our chances," Sanchez said but Ferran just sighed.

As expected, the Chief called for a brief meeting with the policemen he was handling.

"Like what you all have heard about the terrorism in San Andres, they contacted us to ask for help. We can't leave them alone on the battlefield so we will send some San Lorenzo policemen to join the San Andres policemen in suppressing the terrorists." The Chief mentioned the police officers. "... Timotheus Alfarez and Julsen Beltran, the rest will stay in our town. Alright, the meeting---"

Everyone looked at Ferran who raised his hand to catch their attention.

"Chief, may I suggest something?"

"And what was it?"

"Can I replace SPO2 Beltran?" He asked without hesitation. Sanchez looked at him with a confused expression. He didn't expect that Ferran would recklessly decide without thinking wisely. What if he dies in that place?

"Ferran," Sanchez whispered at him and he looked so serious.

"I have more experience on the battlefield than him. SPO2 Beltran is better at solving crimes so I suggest that you just send me to San Andres." He confidently said while looking at the Chief. The other policemen confusedly looked at him and the others were just agreeing to what he said.

"You have a point," The Chief looked at Julsen. "Is it fine for you SPO2 Beltran?"

"No problem." He just said but in his mind, he was confused. Why? Of all people Ferran will replace, why is he? It's intriguing.

"Okay. Everything is settled. The meeting is adjourned." The Chief immediately left the meeting room and the other policemen followed. Ferran and Alfarez looked at each other. Timotheus seemed confused too but Ferran just gave him a blank expression.

"Are you insane?" Sanchez asked with irritation in his voice. "You may forget that you have a mission to face, something that is worse than this. Just a few months Ferran. In a few months, the crisis that will spread around the world will come."

"I have no choice."

"I can go."

"No. It's for me to handle 'coz I am the one who knows what will happen there. It's not yet your time. We still have a lot to do and you will still help me." Ferran said and faced his cubicle to finish some tasks before they went to San Andres.

"Uncle, take care." Blair seemed so worried too like Sanchez. Trestan, who was with them, just looked at Ferran and he also wanted to say something but he did not know what to say.

"Don't act like I'm going to die." He even managed to kid and laughed at his own joke. "I better go. Many people needed our help. Bye." He said and was about to go inside his car when he stopped after hearing Trestan's voice.

"Dad..." Trestan called him and there, he faced his son. "Take care. We still need you. Maybe Cally and I will not be able to cope if we lose you too, like mom." He said and hot tears formed on the sides of her eyes.

"So you knew?"

"Yeah... Blair told me." Trestan looked away. "Take care."

"I will come back." He said and smiled at them before leaving.

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