Começar do início

"Kuya, guard!"

"Miss Blair?"

"Please let us in. I have something to tell Alexa."

"But miss Alexa's already—"

"Please..." The guard opened the gate. They both parked the bikes on the side and went inside the house.

"Alexa! Alexa!" She shouted while knocking at Alexa's bedroom door.

"Blair? It's too late. Why are you here and with... Trestan?" Alexa asked who's wearing pajamas and was about to sleep if Blair didn't arrive.

Blair went inside Alexa's room when the door opened widely. They both looked at Trestan who was hesitant to enter Alexa's room. He's a young man after all.

"Trestan, come inside." Blair said.

Alexa just smiled awkwardly and let Trestan enter her room.

"Explain," Alexa said while sitting in front of them.

"A van was following us on our way home---"

"Oh my gosh! Are you two okay?" She checks on them and sighed in relief after seeing them just fine.

"Don't worry. We're fine." Blair said and Alexa closed her curtains just to be sure. There are more than ten guards roaming around the mansion so they felt safe.

"So why is this van chasing you?" Alexa asked but Trestan and Blair just shrugged their shoulders because even they don't know about the van. "Okay. Fine. Feel free to stay here for a while."

"By the way, where are your parents?" Blair asked.

"Out of the country."


"If you want, I'll order our driver to send you home."


"Just say yes, Blair. I will not forgive myself if something bad happens to you."

At the end, they just stay there and will go home after an hour. Alexa went to the kitchen and prepared some snacks for her surprise visitors.

"Who do you think was the target of that van? You or me?" Blair wondered but Trestan just yawned. "Maybe, you!"

"Nope. It's you."

"And why is that?"

"I dunno."

"Tss. You don't have solid evidence, mute." She misses calling her mute because he's talking to her little by little. "What if it is because of your dad? He's a policeman, right?"

"And your uncle too."

She became silent when he heard about her uncle. She doesn't want to hear anything about him because she's really annoyed by the fact that he's the reason why she lost her parents.

Trestan can see her in his peripheral view. He was wondering why she suddenly got silent.

'Problem with her uncle? That's bad.' He simply shook his head and yawned.

"Blair, are you sure you don't need our guards to accompany you? What if they are still waiting for you two?"

"No need to worry, Alexa. Our house is not that far from here."

"Fine. Take care."

"I'll call you when I get home."

"You should. Good night."

"Good night." They hugged each other before Alexa faced Trestan.

"Take care of my best friend." Trestan just nodded and took his bike.


"Are you sure no one was following us right now?" Blair asked while her eyes were on the road. She rolled her eyes when Trestan didn't answer.

"Why are you at the church, by the way?" She asked again but it was as if she's talking to the wind.

The most annoying part of the conversation is when the person you are talking to is ignoring you because they are not paying attention to you or to what you were saying.

'Well, yeah. I'm the annoying one 'coz he doesn't want to talk to anyone but I'm pushing him to speak.' She chose to stay silent after what just happened a while ago.

They passed on Blair's house which is so dark and empty. She felt the heartache again after she remembered the incident.

She didn't notice that Trestan was far away from her and was about to turn to their house but he stopped.

She no longer pays attention to Trestan who watched her until she passed the Alfarez's house. Trestan heavily sighed before entering their house.

'She's alone again.'

The reason why Trestan went to the church earlier is to talk to God about her mother's death. It's her death anniversary today. December 18.

Blair breathed in and breathed out before she twisted the doorknob and there he saw Sanchez sitting on the sofa. He was so focused on the two laptops and he didn't notice Blair's arrival.

"Uncle Rouvie." She caught his attention.

"Blair! Thank goodness you came back!" Sanchez sighed in relief. She looked around but she didn't see her uncle Simeon.

"Where is... Uncle?" She almost hesitated to say the word 'uncle.'

"He's on his mission right now," Sanchez responded while focusing again on the laptops. His fingers were moving fast to type some codes.

"He didn't search for me?" She sounds disappointed.

"Because I told him to give you the space that you needed but he was just too stubborn to listen. He secretly followed you." Sanchez stopped and looked at her. "I think you should listen to him first. Maybe, it will open your mind to something."

"Do you know his reasons?" She sat beside Rouvie.

"Yes. Of course."

"What is it?"

"I'm not the one who should tell it to you. Just wait for him."

"But I want to---"

"Then why did you run earlier and didn't listen to him?"

Why did she run away? Because she was so scared to know the truth.

Hope of the Dying WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora