En başından başla

"Don't worry. He's tough, he'll survive. Shh." She hugged her and slowly and gently tapped her back.

A guy approached them. "Zyrille..."

Zyrille helps Blair to lay down on the bed 'coz the young lady felt dizzy again. She faced his brother but his gaze diverted to the girl with pity in his eyes.

"She's Blair Ferran, right?" Danryll asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

Danryll whispered something to Zyrille that made her stilled.

"I think," Danryll gulped and doublethink whether to tell Blair the news or not.

Like her brother, Zyrille can't help but to worry about Blair's mental health if they tell her the bad news that will surely break her heart.

"It's not yet the right time. She's still recovering from what happened earlier, maybe she can't handle it."

"There is no right time for this. She needed to know about it, Zyrille."

"We need to consider her feelings, Danryll."


"Do I need to know something important?" Asked Blair who looked so down.

"No, Blair. You need to rest. We will wake you up when the operation is over."

"Don't lie to me." She sat on the bed and looked at her hands, trembling. She closed her eyes and remembered the gunshots, the noise of vehicles, the blood, and the bullets.

"Just..." Her tears fell. "Just tell me what I needed to know even... Even if it will break me. Besides," She immediately wiped her tears. "I couldn't... change a-anything even if you tell me now, right?"

"Then follow me." Danryll went out of the room and Blair was about to follow him when a warm hand held her arm.

"Are you sure about this?" Zyrille asked her but there's something in her eyes that made Zyrille let go of her and put her arms around her shoulder instead. "Let's go."

Blair noticed that they were heading to the morgue. She's clenching her hands while walking slowly. Danryll opened the morgue's door for her.

She's not even stepping inside the room when she sees two bodies covered with white cloths from outside.

"No..." She muttered and shook her head. Blair doesn't want to believe what she was seeing.

When she got inside, the two nurses opened the upper part of the clothes and that made Blair cover her mouth with her hands. Tears fell and she shook her head in disbelief. Her shout was heard in every corner of the hospital and the people who heard her cry sympathized.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She hugged their dead and cold bodies.

"No! No! This is a dream! You're not dead! Y-You're not dead... Mom... Dad..." She sat on the floor and wept.

"Blair, stand up." Zyrille helped her to stand and Blair hugged her.

She cried on her shoulder and after minutes of crying, Blair barely caught her breath, her chest tightened, and she fainted again. Danryll lifted her and brought her back to the private room.

The doctors checked her condition, Zyrille and Danryll found out that Blair was suffering from mild persistent asthma.

"She needs to rest and relax. Her condition may get worse when she stresses herself. These are the list of medicines she needed to take. It would be a big help if she uses an inhaler every time she feels the symptoms of her condition. That's all."

"Thank you, doc," Zyrille said before the doctor left. She looked at the list of medicine then sat on the chair beside Blair's bed.

"It will be hard for her to accept this," Zyrille said while caressing Blair's hair. Her nose was red, and her eyes were swollen. "She's so young to lose her parents."

"Officer Ferran is still there for her."

"But it would be different if her parents were present." Zyrille sighed and stood up. "Is the operation over?"

"Not yet. The bullet was too deep according to the nurse I've talked to earlier, and he had lost a lot of blood. Not sure if he'll survive." Danryll sat on the sofa near the window.

They chose to confine Blair in a private room 'coz they are not sure if she'll be safe in public places.

Someone knocked at Blair's hospital room and Zyrille was the one who opened it. "Is this Blair Ferran's room? I am SPO2 Robert Sanchez, SPO2 Ferran's police partner, and friend."

"Come in. She's sleeping."

"Did she know what had happened to her parents?"

"Yeah, and she fainted again after that," Zyrille answered.

"Poor Blair." He shook his head and massaged his temple.

"What is the motive for the murder?" Danryll asked Sanchez.

"I don't know yet. Maybe, when Ferran woke up, our question would be answered." Sanchez said.

"Well," Danryll stood up. "You're here to watch over her. We're leaving. Let's go, Zyrille."


"Let's go. We need to rest." Danryll firmly said and when he was about to pass on Sanchez's side, he stopped and looked at him. "Protect that girl. Her life is in danger, I guess." He tapped Sanchez's shoulder and left him.

Sanchez just sighed and sat on the single sofa where Danryll sat earlier and stared at Blair who's sleeping peacefully but you can feel her grief.

"The world was so harsh to you but you need to overcome this. Just trust and believe." Sanchez mumbled and just looked at the window.

Hope of the Dying WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin