Start from the beginning

"I don't need and I don't want your gifts so you may leave our house now." She rolled her eyes again and immediately went upstairs.

"Blair! Come back here." He heard his father's voice downstairs but she pretended to hear nothing. She laid down in her bed and stared at the ceiling while his feet were on the floor.

After a while, she heard the sound of the expensive car owned by Reevecus Leviste, moving away from their house. A knock on the door interrupted her deep thoughts.

"Can I come in?" Her mother, Brenda Ferran, asked while slightly opening the door. She just nodded and looked at the ceiling again.

Blair saw her mother in her peripheral view walking towards her and sat on the side of her bed.

"We didn't teach you to be like that, especially to our visitor." Her mom told her in a soft voice. "You should at least be nice to him."

"If I act nice in front of him, he will think that I am giving him a chance, mom." She covered her face with her palms then spoke again. "It is better to push him away, right? Maybe, if I do it he'll give up."

"Well, you have a point but it's been a year or two since he courted you." Blair's mom said. "I'm not pushing you to him. Just..." She sighed. "Just treat him as a family friend, okay?"

"I can't promise you that, mom."

"Hm... Since you're a teenage girl, do you have someone you like?" Brenda looked at her daughter with a teasing look.

"Mom! Why are you asking that?" Blair blushed and was already thinking of 'someone.'

"Why? You're turning fifteen tomorrow. Wah! My baby is growing so fast." Brenda acted as if she was the same age as Blair. They are like best friends.

"You acted like a child again." Blair laughed.

"So you really have someone, huh? And who's the lucky guy?"

"I don't have one."



"Well then, I should be the first to know if you have someone, alright?"

"Of course. Don't worry. I will tell you and you're the first one to know." Blair said, sat beside her mother and hugged her.

"Can I join?" They heard Simon standing at the door.

"Of course, dad."

There, Blair was between them, and they hugged.

"We love you, baby." Simon and Brenda said then kissed her temple.

She woke up early in the morning, took a bath, wore her usual outfit, oversized shirt and shorts covering half of her thigh, and ponytailed her dark brown straight hair. She saw a lip tint on her table.

She didn't try it even once because she doesn't want to use it but today, she'll put some in.

"Mom, I'll just bike around. Is it okay? Or should I help you prepare for dinner later?"

"No, honey. It's fine. I can handle this. Just enjoy your day."

"Alright! Uhm... By the way, where's dad?"

"He's out to the supermarket to buy some things. Be careful, okay?"

"I will."

She rode her bike until she reached Alfarez's house and saw Trestan watering their plants.

"Hey, mute!" She said but Trestan ignored her. 'Tss. As usual.'

She didn't say anything and just watched Trestan until he finished what he was doing. He left her without giving her just one glance.

"He didn't even know it was my birthday today." She sighed and shook her head before riding her bike again.

The awaited time came, her uncle arrived at exactly seven o'clock in the evening.

"Happy birthday, Blair."

"Where's my gift?"

"Oh... A gift? I forgot. Sorry---"

"---Hmp! Go home, uncle. You're not welcome he---"

"---Just kidding! Haha. Get it at the back of my pickup after dinner."


They ate dinner, had fun talks, and teased Blair to someone.

"Uncle, can I get my gift?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

"Nice." She went outside and when she came back, she's carrying a rectangular box. Blair opened it in front of them and amusement filled her eyes.

"What the hell!? Is it for real?" She asked and put it on the floor. A Supreme Mundi Skateboard. "Thanks, uncle!" She hugged him tightly.

"You're always welcome."

"We have a gift for you too, baby." His father, Simon, caught her attention.

Simon put a little red box on the dining table. "Dad, I told you that I don't want any kind of jewelry 'coz---"

"So you don't want to accept our gift then?" Her father asked with a sad face.

"But of course, it's from you and mom so I would gladly accept it." She hugged her father and kissed him on his cheek before opening the little box.

A necklace with a heart shaped pendant made of a real diamond.

"Is it real?" Her father just nodded. "Thank you."

Her father put it around her neck and Simon looked at his lovely daughter wearing jewelry.

After dinner, Blair helped her mom clean the dining table while Simon and Simeon were on the front porch, sipping some wine.

"Time is really fast. It seems like I just used to carry Blair in my arms and now she's a young lady." Simon became emotional all of a sudden.

"Well, children are growing up while we are growing old."

"Right. I don't know how I will feel when she works and finds a boyfriend, and then starts her own family. My little Blair." Simon said while imagining her daughter. Simeon just smiled at his brother and sipped his wine.

"By the way Kuya, how's work? What's your work---" Simeon could not continue what he was going to say because his older brother suddenly pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.


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