Start from the beginning

Instead of taking it seriously, the man laughed thinking that his companion was playing a prank on him.

The three bank employees, who at that time were given a consent to check on the bank because of rampant robbery since lockdown, looked at Ferran but Ferran told them not to make any noise by signaling with his finger and they immediately obeyed.

Fear was visible in their faces.

Fear of losing their lives.

Fear of being shot by the thieves.

Fear of not being able to get out alive.

"Stop playing around, assh*le." The holdupper faced Ferran and astonishment was written on his face after realizing that he is not his companion. "What the f*ck!? Motherf*cking sh*t!" The first thing that entered his mind was to point his gun to Ferran, and pull the trigger but Ferran quickly pushed the gun upward.

The noise of a gunshot rang throughout the bank and the employees screamed in fear after that. The gunshots didn't end there because the holdupper pulled the trigger again and fired the gun one after the other until the place became silent. He ran out of bullets and fortunately, no one got hurt.

"F*ck! Police are here! Faster!" The holdupper shouted in his walkie-talkie to alert his comrades because they are not aware what's happening outside, the place they're in is soundproof.

He was about to hit Ferran using the gun but Ferran moved in advance. He kicked the holdupper's abdomen and punched him in his face that made the man lose his grip on his gun. Also, he kicked the weapon away from them before exchanging punches with the holdupper.

Ferran was punched by the holdupper near his lips that made it bleed. He wiped the blood and glared at his opponent.

"Why don't you just surrender—"

"That will never happen! Ah!"

'Damn... This is tiring.' Ferran sighed heavily and formed his hand into fist, preparing himself to fight again.

Ferran fought with him and made the holdupper step backward until he reached the post. He kicked the man on the side of its head that made it hit the post. It was not too hard but the man was kind of weak so he collapsed.

The bank employees who watched them fighting clapped and sighed in relief because Ferran was able to knock down his opponent.

The other two holduppers inside the room, where the bills were placed, got out carrying two large bags full of money. They fired their guns toward Ferran's direction so he swiftly ducked and hid with the bank employees at the back of the concrete front desk.

He exchanged gunfire with the holduppers and hit the arm of one of the two. The injury made the two distracted so Ferran took that chance to get the hostages out.

"When I shouted the word 'out', all of you needed to run as fast as you could to get out of the bank. Is that clear?" He told the employees who just nervously nodded.

Later on, they heard the siren of the police cars outside.

'1... 2... 3...' He counted in his mind.


Ferran came out of their hiding place first. The employees immediately followed him and quickly ran out. They are already being fired by the two holduppers hiding somewhere but they are still running towards the door. Eventually, everyone escaped safely and the police outside neared the three employees to protect them.

Ferran came back inside but unfortunately, he was shot on his thigh. However, he still managed to hide behind the post.

'Sh*t... I shouldn't come back without thinking straight. Damn it!' He almost cried because of the pain.

The police outside were about to enter after they witnessed what happened to Ferran but he stopped them. He wants to talk to those holduppers who were even able to steal despite the epidemic they were facing.

"Hey, you two!" Ferran called their attention. There's a glass mirror in front of him where he can see the reflection of the two. The police outside can't see their targets because they were hiding but Ferran clearly sees them. "Why are you doing this?"

"None of your business."

"Are you going to waste your life for this?" Ferran questioned them. "Many people are fighting in the hospital for their lives but you're wasting your lives doing bad things."

"We don't have a choice! Our families are going to die because of starvation!"

"Do they know you are here and stealing?"

"You talk too much! Just let us go!"

"Police are outside waiting for you to surrender. Just surrender so no one will get hurt," Ferran said but the two didn't listen.

It seems like their minds were closed for suggestions. They're about to run toward the front door  to escape when Ferran shot their legs while he was still behind the post.

The two fell to the floor and the money in the bag they were carrying scattered everywhere. He gave the police a signal to enter the bank and they immediately followed. The two could not fight anymore because of the wound on their leg.

"Ferran, you're bleeding!" Sanchez seems troubled while running toward Ferran who's sitting and leaning on the post. Sanchez wrapped his thigh with a clean cloth and helped him stand until they reached the police mobile.

"How's the hostages?" Ferran asked.

"Don't worry about them. Worry about yourself. The wound is too deep." Sanchez felt so upset. "You're bleeding too much." He pressed another clean cloth on Ferran's wound to stop the bleeding.

"A-Ah... F*ck. Careful."

They brought them to the nearest hospital but sadly, the three hospitals were full and many cases of Lila Virus were admitted so it is not safe to just enter the hospital.

"Nurse Tina can remove the bullet from your thigh but the case is, there is no anesthesia at the station."

Their colleagues on the police mobile frowned and shook their heads while looking at Ferran because it must have hurt to remove a bullet without anesthesia. Ferran became paler, cold sweats formed on his face, and his throat ran dry.

"I'm sorry. Our anesthesias were out of stock so we don't have a choice---"

"Nurse Tina," Ferran interrupted her. "Just... Just remove the bullet. I will be fine."

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