Start from the beginning

"By the way, I'm Aquiro."

"No one's asking."

"I'm just saying."

"I don't care."

"I like you." Alexa was stunned by his bold confession. She always gets surprised every time he confessed his genuine feelings for her.

"Don't like me."

"And why is that?"

"Just don't."

"You're letting your classmate like and court you but when I do, it's not allowed? Tss. Tell me, do you like him?"


"The guy who always gives you chocolates and flowers—"

"What? No way." She said defensively.

"Good then. Hm... So what should I do to win your heart?" He asked without hesitation at all.


"N-Nothing? So that means you like me too!?" He overreacted.

"You know what? You're so annoying. Are you aware?"

"Of course. I'm definitely aware and I'm proud that you are annoyed so I have a privilege to talk to you and you talked back." He smirked and winked at her.

"Tss. What a crazy human being?" She whispered and sighed.

"So... What to do?"

"Grow your hair first and then I will decide if I will like you or not." She said out of annoyance.

Aquiro stopped walking. He faced Alexa and looked at her in his most serious look. She never saw that before because Aquiro was known as a joker at school. He rarely does that kind of face but if he does, it will automatically make people nervous.

"What?" Her voice almost cracked but did her best to talk straight. There was a pain in Aquiro's eyes but he didn't say anything and just sighed heavily. He gently took Alexa's hand and handed her the umbrella before he left.

"Did I say something offensive?" She asked herself while watching Aquiro's back. She felt a little bit of guilt.

"Tss. Insensitive." He touched his wet bald head. He's suffering from hair loss and was diagnosed with Alopecia areata, a common autoimmune disorder that often results in unpredictable hair loss, when he was ten.

He saw a kid, wearing a raincoat, kicking a white little stray cat.

"Hey!" He stopped the kid. "What do you think you're doing!?"

"That cat is so ugly and dirty! He deserves to die."

"What!? Did that cat do something bad to you?" The kid shook his head. Aquiro sighed and kneeled his knee in front of the little kid tapped the kid's head.

"Not because it's ugly and dirty, you're going to kill it. Even animals have feelings and emotions. Hope you understand it, kiddo. Don't do it again, okay? Or else I will call the police and make you pay for it. Do you want to go to jail?" He said in his softest voice so that the kid will not be scared.


"Good. Go home. Your parents are looking for you." After the kid left, he looked at the wounded little cat. "What am I going to do with you?"

"He's injured." Someone said, Aquiro looked up and saw Alexa looking at the cat with pity in her eyes.

"You want it?" He asked and she slowly nodded. "Then take it."

Aquiro was still upset with what Alexa said earlier so he left immediately. Alexa didn't have a hard time taking the cat home because it was so gentle and kind.


"That's it?" Blair asked after she heard the whole story from Alexa, then clicked her tongue in disappointment. "That's so insensitive of you."

"W-What? What have I done?"

"Not because you're annoyed, you'll just say something that may hurt someone's feelings."


"You're clueless." Blair tsked. "This is only an assumption, okay?"


"What if he's suffering from... uhm... a disorder or what, that's why he's like that? Bald. As you've said, he acted strange after that? Did I hear it right?"

"Y-Yeah." She felt even more guilty while remembering those moments.

"Let's think before we speak to prevent offending someone."


"That's insane, man." Alexander said and emptied his wine glass. "Stop it before it's too late."

"There's no turning back."

"Simon," He looked at him intently. "I don't want my family to get involved here so, please..."

"That's why I'm saying this to you. I have a strong feeling that the 'Boss' will command you to do the things I know you should do to protect your family, and to prove your loyalty."

When Alexander understood what Simon was saying, he couldn't help but tighten his grip on the wine glass until it broke. "There's no way I will do that. F*ck! It's absurd."

"But you need to do it whether you like it or not." Simon smiled bitterly. "Just promise me one thing. Please... Not my daughter."

"I wish we're not close," Alexander sighed heavily. "And you are not my best friend so I will not feel guilty when that time comes." He threw the broken glass somewhere.

"Well, I'm thankful to be your friend so that I can ask a favor." Simon finished his wine.

"Sir, Officer Ferran has already arrived." One of the maids informed them.

Everyone was gathered at the dining table and the food was served a while ago.

"Let's eat." Alexander announced. The adults talked about some things about business and other stuff while Blair and Alexa were just eating.

"I want Alexa to take Medicine but her grades don't seem to have passed to enter medical school." Alexander sounds disappointed. "I always told her to study hard."

Alexa pursed her lips to stop herself from talking. She always does her best to make her parents proud but her best is not enough for them. She was pressured since she was little, even got in the top ten of their class but her father wants her to be the top one.

Blair looked at Alexa with so much concern. She knew what her friend was going through.

"What about Blair? I heard you're the top of the class. What course will she take?" Alexander asked. Everyone looked at Blair. Even her parents are waiting for her answer.

"I'm not yet sure, uncle. Besides, there are still three years before college so I have a lot of time to think about it." Blair grabbed the glass of water and drank it.

"You don't have anything in mind?" Simon asked her daughter.

"Uh... I have one but as I have said, I'm not sure."

"What is it?" Simeon joined the conversation.


"Are... Are you sure about it, honey?" Brenda worriedly asked.

"It's a dangerous profession, Blair." Rhiane said.

"I know."

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