Tavish pondered on the thought. "Well, maybe having a pet wouldn't be too bad. It's worth a try."

Bean turns to Zog. "What do you think dad—"

"Quiet, sweetie, I just got an idea!" Zog stated. "Let's round up all the cats in the kingdom and hand em out to the townsfolk! And get this: We'll do it for free! That'll make me look great!"

Bean and Tavish glared at their father.

Zog looks at them, confused. "What? Don't get mad because you two didn't come up with the idea first. Now, where's my leftover turkey?"


Rounding up the demons in the castle was difficult, especially when getting the violent ones. One of the knights lost a finger to the sub-demon, chopper, who bit it clean off, and another demon named Dagger, who tricked a knight into falling to his death. Other demons were willing to come with the knights due to their boredom and desire for something new. The last remaining bunch had difficulty capturing until Tavish stepped in and used his magic to make the remaining demons obedient.

"Ok, you have to teach me how to use my magic one of these days," said Bean. "Especially controlling demons. I can get Luci to do the goofiest things."

"And it'll be the last thing you'll ever do," Luci threatened.

Once the gang had rounded up all the demons, Harold was sent out into town to announce to its citizens, and he began his announcement. "HEAR YE! HERE YE! IN THE WORDS OF KING ZOG, THERE ARE FREE CATS AT THE CASTLE! IF YOU WANT A FREE CAT COME BY THE CASTLE! COME AND GET YOUR FREE—ARGH!" The citizens trampled over Harold, making their way to the gates of Dreamland. "H-Here y-ye...here ye...I am in a lot of pain!"

The crowd of citizens all stood in the courtyard as Bean, Tavish, Derek, Elfo, and Kog handed out the demons to them. One kid took a demon into his arms and hugged it tightly.

"He's so cuuute!" said the little girl as she walked off. Tavish handed a kid his demon and held it close. "Maybe this will help me get over my excruciating hunger!" He said, leaving with his parents.

"You don't think this is a bad idea?" Elfo asked Koga quietly. "I mean...handing out literal demons to families?"

Koga shrugs. "Eh, what's the worst that could happen?"

Bean hands a little girl a demon. "Here you go!" She said happily.

The little girl takes the demon and shouts, "Yay, my first pet!" She hugs the demon. The demon whispers, "Kill your parents, Milly..." The little girl's eyes widen, and she looks at the demon, confused. "What?"

Once Tavish gave out another demon, his eyes panned to the crowd. He let out a small gasp when he caught a glimpse of pink hair from afar. Hilda, along with Ruppert and Tuppence, were heading towards the stand.

Bean had placed her empty basket away and asked, "Hey, Tav, can you hand me the next basket?" She waited for his reply. "Tav?" She turned around and saw that he was gone. "Huh? Hey, where did Tavish go?"

"He was standing there a second ago," Elfo replied.

"Hey, Bean!" said Hilda.

"Oh, hey, Hilda!" Bean smiled at her. "Want a free cat?"

"I want one!" said Rupert, excitedly.

Elfo would walk over to Rupert and hand him a small sub-demon. "Here you go!"

"Awww, look at her! She's precious! I'm going to name you Teenie!" Rupert pats the demon's head softly.

The demon smacks his hand away. "My name is Mileena. I like foot rubs and long baths in molten hot lava. Oh, and I love eating seagulls—LOTS of seagulls." She licked her lips.

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