Chapter 198.2: On the Same Side

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The Lady of Shallott

"My lord," Commodore Crenshaw knocks and peeps from behind the doors, "Mister James from Queen of Sparta."

Lord Neville looks up from the accounting ledgers he had brought with him on this trip, detailing the economy of the Bahama Islands, which, much to his surprise, is indicating a steady, but slow, improvement unseen in the past years. This good news had given him a semblance of peace in the wake of an otherwise dismal yesterday and night... and this morning. Millicent's accident was unfortunate; he did not expect that from his otherwise composed and proper young maid. However, it is not like he can do anything about it. On yet another good turn of chance, it seems Eleanore is such a good judge of character, because even her crew have the same predisposition to charity as her. He nods and clasps his hands together. The quartermaster has returned, and part of Neville fears the news he has from the other side. "Let him in. Thank you."

Commodore Crenshaw nods and disappears.

Lord Neville leans closer and presses his lips to the tips of his forefingers. He would be a hypocrite not to admit to himself how much he had the time to think where Eleanore could be, to merit this secrecy and commotion on her ship. When Millicent told him of the truth about the crew's absence yesterday, upon visiting the young woman down below once the quartermaster left, Edmund Neville is surprised himself at the dull weight on his heart; a numbness so odd after the fitful envy he had to weather. Eleanore has married, and married in truth at a church. Frankly, he should have expected that. With Dela Vega nearby and war imminent, Del Santo would have made sure he has the rightful claim over her.

"Lord..." The quartermaster James stalls, unused to such pleasantry, and awkwardly bows. "Lord Governor. From my captain."

He gently lays the cream envelope on the table, as if Neville would bite him at any moment.

Lord Neville raises a brow and takes it. "Thank you," he says with a nod. "And am I to know everything she has to say in here?"

"Yes, Sir. But I am here to tell you another thing, too."


James keeps his hands behind him. "Captain Smith wishes for you and Commodore Crenshaw to come tonight aboard the ship, at supper time." Those blue eyes stare firmly into him, that Edmund marvels at the audacity... Definitely, Eleanore's resolve also trickles onto her friends. The young man nods. "She is not well."

He stills. That cannot be right. "What did you say?"

"She is ill, Sir," James continues, "but she has returned to us and is resting. She insists she is willing to discuss with you. That is all from our side. Do you want to reply... Lord Governor?"

Edmund gawps. He cannot stop thinking why she is ill, and it irritates him all the more he is worried about that and not their bigger problems at hand. "No." He manages to say. "I guess I shall discuss all that is necessary with your crew tonight."

James visibly lets out a breath of relief. "Aye—I mean, yes, Lord Governor."

"Please give Captain Smith our sincerest well-wishes for her health. I look forward to seeing her," Neville absentmindedly murmurs, touching the edges of the envelope. "Thank you for your service. You may leave."

"I... welcome," and James awkwardly bends his head again, unable to help not to squirm. He turns his back to leave, clearly unaware of any protocol whatsoever. Neville raises a brow as the doors shut behind the young sailor. He must be younger than Neville himself by just a few years, and James is imprisoned in every way, uneducated, a former criminal, now an adventurer relying on a rogue ship. Every time he is faced with such a man, Neville is starkly reminded, that even if he has had the misfortune of incompetent parents and unloving siblings except for his little sister, he was blessed with his rich heritage and safe life that gave him freedom to make his own way. The education he received that refined him. The guidance he has had from mentors that helped him rise in court and gain favor. The prowess to lead and sway the tides subtly that earned him his current role.

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