Chapter 172.1: Our Fates Intertwined

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Present Day
Guantánamo, Cuba

"Oh, do eat! It will be a long journey even with the good winds," Bohique Aguayey says with a smile, patting Torkin's little head as the little bird gobbles up mangoes, cassava, coconut, and dried fish-all in that order. Eleanore herself finishes the skewered pig meat and fat, a luxury that she savored after not having eaten for like months, and beside her, Ana laughs at Torkin and offers him her mango.

Eleanore giggles and speaks in Spanish, "If you give him that you'll have nothing for you. Let him be, he's alright."

Torkin squawks. "Nooooo!"

They finish breakfast and then wrap up everything the Bohique has packed for them. "Thank you." Eleanore beams as Torkin helps stow the packages in their basket, which Ana also secures. Bohique Aguayey smiles as well, and Eleanore steps in her embrace for a final goodbye. "I will never forget your kindness and the warriors' too. If not for you all... I don't know where I'll be now."

"We are all here for each other's lives, Iwanona," Bohique Aguayey says with twinkle in her clouded eyes. "May you fulfill your mission in the world beyond our home land."

"Ack! Grrrrracias!" Torkin chirps, and Little Ana kisses the top of his little head in turn, making him blush. They all chuckle, just in time as Cacique Jumacao arrives, along with some of the boys who found her that night, to escort her down to the beach. Eleanore, however, is not yet done with the good byes. She has contributed to the textiles of the yucayeque during times she is freed from working on her raft or listening to her abuela, and now she has created a swaddling linen for the new babies, five in all, touching their mothers so. Meanwhile, to the valiant young men who found her, Eleanore has learned their names and conversed with them all throughout the many suppers and lunches they share, and for them, she helped create simple shirts for them, ones that can be used for the town below.

Her textiles? The ones the Cacique had brought in not only for the sails but also for her own dresses. However, Eleanore knew, one way or another, that she would be provided for in Havana-by Providence or by her own husband, once they meet again. And so, she decided to give the textiles back to her fellow Taíno-mestizos, whom she most likely will never see again and who has saved her when she needed it the most.

Everyone rejoices, and everyone cannot believe that she still has gifts. Cacique Jumacao himself looks at her creations with surprise. "But I gave it for you, Elena," he softly says, "What shall you wear in Havana now?"

Eleanore shrugs. "Heaven will grant me what I need. Cacique. I want to thank you and everyone."

Cacique Jumacao looks at her as if he cannot believe that she is there in front of him. The whole yucayeque says goodbye to her, and Eleanore waves back, even crouching down Ana's level to embrace her. And, quite hard in a way she does not expect, Eleanore has to turn around and walk forward, leaving the sanctuary of a quiet, peace-loving people of her own blood... knowing her duty and destiny lie elsewhere. Still, she mutters a quiet prayer for them in her heart. Torkin perches on her shoulder and brushes his tiny head against her cheek. She smiles.

Before her, Cacique Jumacao leads with his staff, warding leaves and branches and wild boars. Midway down the mountain, he speaks, "I once wondered how the gods choose... how God works..."

Eleanore rubs her arm. "Me too, Cacique."

Cacique Jumacao glances at her with a knowing smile. "That is what I believe is the answer. Elena."

She blinks fast. "Yes?"

"That... wonder." Cacique Jumacao raises a hand to the roof of the forest, where the clear noon sky smiles upon them as well. "That wonder, that heart, that willingness. I cannot believe you are a pirate." He winces. "Your good heart does not suit their world."

Winds of Fate [Books IV - VI]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang