Chapter 175: The Lesser of Two Evils

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Present Day
Havana, Cuba

Her thirst worsens as Eleanore blinks at the man before her in disbelief. Before she can even mutter disapproval, Lord Neville nods at the cloak and turns away being the gentleman he is. She scowls and puts it on. "Is this yours?" Eleanore hoarsely barks, but the world immediately spins afterward that she has to take a deep breath and lean against the post. Neville feels this and looks at her up and down. "Oh!" She closes her eyes. "This is it! After being in a forest, up a mountain, talking to my grandmother's ghost, and spending a whole evening at sea, I must be seeing apparitions all the time now."

"Well, well." Lord Neville smirks. "I would be happy to indulge your ravings, Miss Smith, but unfortunately, speaking English further will no doubt get us attention," he now seriously says, frowning as he does, "and you have just blown my cover."

The governor glances with disgust at the drunkards and then wipes his knuckles on a kerchief. I never guessed you use those. Eleanore blinks fast and holds her breath. It doesn't escape her that mere months ago, she had kissed this man to distract him and hurt her husband in turn-that was not her brightest moment at all, and a part of her wants to apologize to Neville too... while the other part just wants to flee him. But she really cannot, not when he just mentioned "cover." He is currently dusting himself off and eyeing the rooftops as he makes his way to her. Eleanore meets his gaze. "This? What... You're a spy now?"

Neville sighs deeply. "Why should I even answer you?" But then he shakes his head. "You look horrible, Miss Smith."

And he hesitates to take her elbow.

She raises a finger to stop him. "My animals will be returning for me here." Neville looks at her, bewildered. "But... thank you for saving me." She softly breathes and glances at the men who had gone back to sleep after their devilry. "I truly couldn't have taken them out alone like this."

Neville nodded in acknowledgement, his cheeks reddening as he deliberately limits his politeness, probably in annoyance. "Well?" He crosses his arms over his chest. "I assume your dear Captain is not with you then? Or else he would have made fish dinner out of these cretins."

He jests? Eleanore laughs and leans heavily against the post. "Even if he is, I would never tell you."

"Ah, so this must be the part where I leave you to your death due to dehydration." Lord Neville grins and touches the edge of the cloak. "You might want to rethink your cheekiness, Miss Smith. I refuse to be fooled again."

You enjoyed that one. Eleanore vehemently shakes her own head at the dangerous quip.

Neville then slips his hand into his simple brown coat and procures a leather flask. "As I said, I'm not a cruel man, especially to a lady." He hands it to her, and she hesitates, but takes it in trembling hands. "And I have always believed you are just a misguided one."

Eleanore opens the flask and first sniffs it for any trace of tainting. When she realizes it is clear, she tries a bit, and when she is certain it is safe, she downs half of it. "I'll surely remember this when we are on opposite sides again," she declares, wiping her mouth with a satisfied sigh. "OH, thank God!"

A loud rumble of her stomach follows.

Before Lord Neville can even make a comment about her hunger, tinkles and the bark of a puppy make then look down below.

"Ack! Herrrrrre we arrrrre!" Torkin proudly says, struggling to talk for he has a sack of bread and fruits between his beak. Poco happily pants and proudly dumps Torkin on the ground. "Ack!" Torkin scowls at the dog, but Poco just licks his head and beams up at the humans. "I rrrreaallly don't like this." Yet Torkin still dutifully proceeds to take care of the matter still. Eleanore blinks fast as the bird lays their spoils to her. "You havvvve to eaaat! Aaaack!"

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