Chapter 183: Partners, Panes, and Princesses

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"Can we cooooome?" Torkin chirps, while Poco trots behind him, as they all climb down the gangway after having said their leave to James and Dante, who were both up for an early breakfast. James just reminded them to come back in time, and Anton promises this. Now, they turn around to the two animals. "Aaack! Pretty pleasssse?"

Poco barks happily. "Ruff! Ruff!"

Anton skeptically raises a brow and turns to Eleanore. "Hm?"

"Hmmm." She hesitates.

"We're yourrr guarrrdians!"  Torkin reminds her, waving his wings, "You knooooow I neverrrrr liiiiked the shadoooows." The parrot sighs, like a human, and shrugs. "Ack! And little beastieeee herrrre knowsss Havanaaaa bettterrrr than ussss!"

"Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!" Little Poco jumps and runs around, pointing his little snout to the city.

At this, they both laugh, and Anton cannot help but snicker, "These two planned this."

"Yeah. Two for two, my, my. This is why we need to make a baby now, Captain." When she said it, Torkin gapes and Anton blushes, pinching her waist. Eleanore laughs. "We must outnumber the animals in this family! Kidding!" She boops Torkin's beaks and smiles. "I don't doubt you, Torkin. I love you."

Torkin tears up. He clearly does not expect that. "I lovvveee you tooo, Eleanorrre," he softly cooes wiping his tears. "I don't knowww where I come fromm before Guayaba seennnt me. He didn't maaaake me, aaaaack!"

"Hm. Curious..." Eleanore looks down at Poco then too. "And this little dog..."

"No one doubted you, Torkin. And you too, Poquito." Anton smiles at them but claps his hands together. "Well. That settles it. Let us go. We need to be back early. Come on, vamonos." He herds them all, but Eleanore has to remind him she is wearing his shirt and trousers, so they probably should not hold hands. Anton snorts. "Havana wouldn't care less."

She chuckles. "And your reputation?"

"What reputation, it's been long in the mud." He rolls his eyes with a hint of a smile and continues, "Jeremiah and Maurice celebrated here, didn't they?" Anton teases again. "Why are you shy about us, sailor?"

Torkin quietly peeps at him from Eleanore's shoulder. She rolls her eyes at him. "Because we're on official duty, Captain." Eleanore crosses her arms over her still-noticeable chest and pretends to punch him. Anton laughs. After their jesting, they realize that they are now at the center of the pier and at the main harbor. The workers do not notice them at all, but Poco clearly evades the man who had turned him away, sticking close to Anton that the Captain eventually carries the puppy up in his arms. The imposing walls of stone and watchtowers of the Fuerza Real are such sights to behold in the morning, like a sentinel guarding Havana with an old and frightening gaze. But then they turn to the official city gates, not the road running before the grand fort, and along the way, amidst the busy port marketplace and stalls, filled sellers that offer fresh catch from the sea, newly butchered meat, and prize vegetables and sugar cane tubes, are ladies of the night, unkempt and clearly have been through some clients, lounging and walking about.

The sight of two seamen catch their eyes, but Eleanore is most convinced it is Anton's handsomeness that gets him those heated gazes. She swallows hard, unable to resist curling her healthy hand into a fist to contain her irritation. Despite being confused by the animals they have, the ladies still shadow them, well even after they have moved out of the port market. Eleanore looks up at her husband. As always, he is oblivious and concentrated on walking straight ahead, but looking every bit like the Captain he always is and...

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