Chapter 180.1: Heaven on Earth

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Anton tasted heaven on her lips, felt the warmth of the sun in her arms. He forgets all the troubles that had plagued him like relentless shadows—of the Sea-Devil and Theresa, of their ship and crew, of the man who could be her father and of the war in the Caribbean, of the Brethren and the British Navy, of Moody, of Luis, of Sevilla—and basks as Eleanore grants him the tenderest of kisses, pressing her heart to his empty chest. He makes a sound, of fear, like a growl, but even there, she simple touches his cheek and leans closer, kissing him deeper, that his soul dissipates and all his being is poured where they share one breath, hot and consuming, and he knows, in his inmost self, that they are one.

Together or apart.

But now...

Together, mi tesoro. He shivers as they felt air running out of their chests and have to tenderly drew apart, heaving, safely secured in each other's arms. When he opens his eyes. He sees hers are still closed... but there is a smile on her wet lips, and if he had his heart, he would have wept, for even now, his empty chest gnawed in pain. "Lenore," Anton calls, to which his Eleanore wakes gently to look upon his eyes, so alive, so happy, with tears. He cannot help but smile too. She is well, and that is all he needs to know. "I cannot take it," he suddenly says, unable to restrain himself, and makes her worry too. But no, that is the last thing he wants. For her to worry again. He clasps her dearly missed face in his hands. "A day without you is the worst punishment to ever have." Anton sighs and closes his eyes, pressing his forehead to hers. "And I have endured many prisons."

"Oh, Anton." She caresses his cheek and sadly smiles. "It was not a punishment..." Eleanore touches his bottom lip and gazes briefly there, thrilling him that she would kiss him once more, but meets his eyes again instead. "I'll never leave you again if I could, Anton." Her dark eyes fill with tears and she trembles, Anton can only shake his head."But our fates lead us to these paths, and I... I just... I take courage knowing we love each other truly, infinitely, dearly. I love you." Eleanore smiles. "I thought of you every day, every night. Not a second passed without... witho—" But there, she finally crumples into tears and simple embraces him, burying her wet face on his chest.

He stands there, stunned, unable to cry and languishing at the deadly claws of the Darkness clawing at his chest as he echoes her pain. Anton wraps his arms around his dear wife tightly, brushing her carefully pinned locks of hair and kissing her forehead. And at times such as these, he would always be reminded of how they met, and how he would always wish... wish he could protect her from the world and all its harms and evils, just keep her safe in his palace and make her happy, but even there, he had nothing. Nothing to give her but enemies, hatred of all respectable nations... and a curse, that condemns them to have no child, that threatens to take them away from each other. "I am here now, tesoro," he whispers softly, relieved she has stopped crying and presses him tighter in reply. "No one will tear us apart from now on."

She looks up and smiles. "I know." Eleanore beams, wiping her tears. "And I will never let them!"

That's my girl. He laughs and presses his thumb to a stray teardrop. "You never do—"


That one irritated cough plummets them both back down to earth and recall that those gallery windows are far cleaner than Sparta's, the library is far grander than hers, and that the bright sunlight streaming from outside and glittering on the ornate crystals of the windows hit the golden hair of Governor Neville, who has sat smugly watching their confessions of love and intimate kiss all in the comfort of his cushioned chair behind his desk. Anton knows he and the pansy of a man arrive at the same thoughts, for Neville reddens and hardens his eyes even more.

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