Chapter 178.2: Honored Guests

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While she sampled the common people's delicacies during her last visit in Havana with Vic, Maurice, and Jay, Eleanore now blinks fast as she takes in the sight and smells of various dishes, mainly Spanish. There is a bright orange soup where seafood like large king prawns and green-black mussels abound. "Everything is caught there in at the bay and! In Verdadero. A quarter of a day's ride from here." Gobernador Dela Vega, sitting at the head of the table, smiles at her, who is at his right. "A beautiful beach for bathing."

Eleanore nervously returns his smile, while Neville tries his best not to scowl. "Ehem," Neville says instead, eyeing the baby pork roast, "you welcome us too well, Don Alonso. I fear I won't eat lunch later at this rate."

The two men chuckle heartily, so Eleanore picks up her spoon and fork and swallows at the sight of the platter of yellow rice and beans and a big serving bowl of almondigas—a meatball soup that she has always loved as a child. They all begin eating, and she savors every bite. The prawns were lovely, soaking in the salty, acidic broth. Meanwhile, the meatballs were firm and juicy, fitting with the rice that has beans. She wasn't used to beans, but the beans have been cooked to be crisp outside and tender inside that Eleanore enjoys the contrast with the silky seafood soup. When she glances up, Neville too is enjoying, nodding and commenting on the cook's excellence with Don Alonso. She smiles and as she aims for the roast, a server helpfully offers to cut it for her. Damn, not even the St. Johns has a server at command. "Muchas gracias," she softly says as he places a large cut of crisp roast skin, glistening fat, and well-cooked meat on her plate. "Mmmm."

With a clap of his hands, Don Alonso orders for red wine to be brought in. "Do you mind, Señorita Elena?" He asks sincerely. "What would you have?"

Lord Neville steals a glance at her.

Hm. Eleanore pretends to think. "Tinto would be fine, Señor, but the Caribbean is famous for its rum, isn't it?"

The Gobernador's eyes widen in shock, and Lord Neville nearly chokes on a meatball. "Ha Ha!" Don Alonso guffaws, his eyes twinkling. "Where did you get this one, Don Edmundo?! A lady of the New World, so bold and free, you will fit in right here, Señorita Elena." He winks at her and taps the table. At the corner of her eye, Eleanore sees Neville narrow his eyes at her, seemingly asking, What on earth do you think you're doing? But Don Alonso just bites it, seemingly reveling in her oddity and not once judging it. Eleanore beams. A man of adventure. Seems like you men who wander here in the New World all have that in you. The Gobernador turns to his servers. "Rum for the lady! And me then too. I shall take the challenge. Hm?" He pulls away and leans back. "Rum... reminds me..."

Lord Neville drinks from the customary water goblet. "Please."

"With the triumph of your Navy in Tortuga—"

They know the British ended the Brethren. Eleanore keeps slicing her roast so as not to betray any of her reaction to the men. Maybe that's why Dela Vega extended this invitation...

A chance for negotiation.

"—eh... you know, it opens up that sector of the Caribbean. To you, Britain." Don Alonso smiles... too sweetly, that Neville only raises his brows. "And I for one have always believed in friendship. Those days are past us, whatever the mainland believes. This is the New World already, am I right, Señorita?"

"Oh?" She feigns disinterest and beams. "Por supuesto, the New World." Eleanore glances at Neville, but he doesn't teach her anything more. So she looks onto the Gobernador. "That is very nice of you. Few would be like that."

Don Alonso now intently looks at her. "And what would a good amigo do, in my place, Doña Elena?" He sneakily asks, searching for the hint in her eyes. "One few would choose to do."

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