Chapter 155: Guidance

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"Again." Captain Del Santon wipes the sweat off his brow and steps back, eyeing the guns behind him. Everyone has split into groups and practiced the pointers they need to perfect, but her...

Eugenie bites her lip and takes a deep breath. She is far from just having one or two pointers.

Now, she nods at the Captain, swallowing down all shame, and lifts her arms with great difficulty, only to remember that she must hold the hilt with just one hand despite her tight, numb muscles.

The Captain helps her there; he pushes the blade of her cutlass upwards with his saber's, to the proper form. "Estás listo?"

She blinks up at him. "Quoi?"

"Ah, perdon." Captain Del Santo sighs, and Eugenie stiffens, ready to bolt at any moment. They have all seen what happened, but not one of them could believe it.

The past weeks, the Captain had been nothing short of understanding... and quiet. Too quiet, perhaps, that they mistook it for familiarity or softness. Eugenie swallows. Not even his former crewmembers could explain the sudden anger he exudes before, but in a flash that too, is gone.

Back before her is a man who is cold, but somewhat calmer, as he says, "All these drills are only reminding me of my own maestro."

He glances at the noisy deck.

Clueless as to what the expected reaction would be, Eugenie just nods, albeit she cannot stop her brows from meeting. Nor her heart from sinking. Madeline was right; Eleanore brings a sense of safety to the ship. A warmth and openness that had fled the moment she disappeared, for whatever leniency Captain Del Santo has is tempered by his training as a sailor and as a Conde too, perhaps.

Eugenie knows they need it, to survive most of all. But she hopes that he could find it in his heart to accept them all...

As they are.

"He was a patient man," Captain Del Santo suddenly says with a shrug. Eugenie looks up, surprised. "And funnier than me, too."

She stares at him again, not knowing what to say to that. But the Captain just nods and coaxes her to resume position; a gesture that betrays the shadow lingering in his eyes.

Although she obeys, Eugenie halts. Her heart hammers fast as she thinks of what to say. Something tells her to. The part of her, probably, who is a priestess.

"You've been very patient, Captain... I..."

Captain Del Santo looks up, surprised.

Oh, non. Eugenie balks, embarassed at her sudden courage, not when she must absolutely focus on learning. She closes her eyes as she continues, "I'm... grateful for it. Even if... I... I know that doesn't count to anything at all... but..."

The whistle fires off. James stands on a barrel and raises his glass watch, announcing the end of the drills. Captain Del Santo looks on over, withdrawing his saber as he does.

She sighs. What was she even thinking? The Captain has expressly told them he has no time for that; he needs their utmost cooperation and attention if they want to make it alive. Eugenie sheathes her weapon and listens in. Obbie has slipped out of the crowd to take care of the food, and she wonders if she must follow-

"It... does."

Eugenie turns to him.

"I was a student too, long ago. Younger than all of you, even." Captain Del Santo shrugs awkwardly. "I know how it goes, like the back of my hand." He winces. "However..."

Winds of Fate [Books IV - VI]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora