Chapter 187: Gifts of Love

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For the first time in a long time, Eleanore wakes up first before anyone else on her ship. She rises at around four, and alarmed by the hour, she immediately washes herself and dresses up in a neat and comfortable black trousers and sneakily borrows a brown shirt from Anton's side of the dresser. She lets him sleep for some time; he was even snoring with how tired he had been, and utterly buried in the pillows. As she finishes with her boots, Torkin and Poco both wake up then too, and she enlists them both to her task. Then the three of them all come down to the galley, to get any breakfast.

There, Eleanore tip-toes so as not to wake anyone else. She lifts her lantern and sneaks past the tables and barrels, with Poco happily dashing down her arms and onto the floorboards. Everyone was tired, and today is a chance to rest, so even Obbie is not up. She rubs her hands together. "I think I saw a piece of cake last night," Eleanore whispers to Torkin. "But we have to hurry. Where did they..."

Someone moves from behind the counter.

She yelps; the unknown shadow shouts, bolts up, hits their head on one of the tin pots hanging overhead and finally... falls flat on their bottom. As the commotion subsides, Poco happily jumps over the crewmember's brown leg, between his little teeth is a piece of cloth bundling up half of the sugar cake left. Torkin and Eleanore look at each other though... for no one has that kind of leg, so hard-edged and thinner than a sailor's... almost like wood.

Her eyes widen. "Uriah!"

Uriah pants, sat on the floorboards. "And good morning to you, Smith!" He groans, waving his arms before him. Torkin squawks, and Eleanore immediately goes to help. Even Poco lays the cake down and bites Uriah's jacket as if it could help. "Ha! You want a bone?" The old captain cooes. "And you, a biscuit?"

Torkin perks up. "Ack! Alwayssss!"

Uriah dutifully fulfills those promises and tosses Poco a piece of pork bone with roasted fat and skin left and Torkin with biscuit from days ago. Eleanore chuckles. "Uriah, why are you up so early?" She offers her arm, and the old man gladly takes it. "Sorry for startling you."

Poco dutifully gets the parcel of cake and they all walk together to a table, laughing. Uriah sits down with a heavy sigh, and she asks him if he wants her to get anything. "Nay. Smith, but since you're here. Can you sit down a bit?"

"You two," she says, and both pets present in attention, with Poco handing her the cake. "Haha. Go, go! Raid the pantry! I'll leave a note for Obbie." Off they go, stuffing food into a basket. Eleanore sits down. "Well. Here I am! It's been long since we got to talk." She beams, and the old man's gray eyes twinkle too. "Anton and I are just about to go."

Uriah raises both brows. "Where to?"

"They're still alive, Uriah. My distant relatives... my grandmother's people... I... I want to help. We met this little boy, and he needed aid." Eleanore shakes her head. "Anyway... that is what we are up to. Catching up, along the way." She adds the last one with a smile. "Neville did us a favor."

"Aye, well... the balls of him to try that in our place!" Uriah crosses his arms over his chest and touches her lantern. "Eh... I truly just couldn't sleep anymore, Smith. When you get old as me, and I sincerely hope you do, lassie, you begin to feel the time going faster... and you want to rise so early to make the most out of it. Which brings me..."

She raises a brow now, this time. "Yes?"

"Do not forget to have time for you two," Uriah insists, brows meeting as he raises a finger. "You are dashing to one place and another, helping and helping wherever—" She almost objects, but Uriah pats her hand and leans closer. "Lassie. Take it from me. I always thought I would have my Jane forever."

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