Chapter 178.1: Honored Guests

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"Ma'am! Ma'am!"

Eleanore bolts up, straight from a very deep sleep riddled with nightmares and an endless chase she cannot even remember. "Wha—" Her eyes first turn to the window—soft blue and gray, like the dawn... She gasps and looks around. Poco, who was nestled in her arms, and Torkin, who was by her head, were both nowhere to be found.

Before she can even panic, the door flies open, and Millicent, pale with fear, is beside Master Davis, the boatswain who holds the key into the lock. "See?" He grumbles. "She's just alright!"

"Oh, Mister Garrick!" Millicent scowls at him. "I'm responsible for my lady's comfort, and you must never judge me for being too worried!"

"Women." Master Davis hands her the key with a harrumph and leaves.

Now slowly remembering her actual life, Eleanore takes stock of herself and does not answer to that. Her dress is still the one she wore to lunch. She tenses. Is it already tomorrow? Eleanore's eyes widen... and she touches the dried saliva by the corner of her mouth. I slept the whole day! Where's Torkin and Poco!

She didn't realize she said both aloud until Millicent hurries to her side. "Oh, Ma'am! Don't worry. They just snuck out of the balcony and on deck, hungry. We were going to wake you last night..." Millicent sighs, and Eleanore sees her carrying another offering of dresses and towels. "But you were so tired. Lord Neville told me you will wake up if you want to eat. If not, we better leave you to rest well."

Oh, that's... Eleanore feels the blush on her cheeks and frowns. Considerate. But she remembers what was on the agenda today. "Oh no, am I late?!" She clambers out of the covers, only for the skirt to nearly trip her over. "Shit!"

Millicent quietly giggles.

Sorry. Damn. Argh! Eleanore takes a deep breath. This is harder than I thought, Lord. "Thank you."

Her stomach grumbles loudly and her guts burn painfully.

"Oh..." Millicent sadly looks. "Lord Neville is still asleep, my lady—ah! I mean Captain Ma'am." She reddens, but Eleanore smiles, having liked that new name. "I can give you bread? And milk! The Lord Governor said you would be joining him for breakfast with Governor Dela Vega of Havana this morning, but you must be hungry. "

Oh, shit, Gobernador is meeting us for breakfast! "A bread and milk are just as fine!" Eleanore chirps and tries to loosen her dress. I need to sneak out somehow and have a blade made for my rapier. "Maybe we can go there before I take a bath. Oh..." She gestures at the dresses. "Those must cost a fortune."

Millicent just beams sweetly and leads her out. "Lord Neville has always been generous, Captain Ma'am." They both walk out of the cabin, and Millicent locks it with the boatswain's key. Once they are outside, the young maid gasps. "Oh! Ma'am! You shouldn't walk with me!" Millicent gushes, embarrassed to have assumed the lady would just sup with them.

Eleanore laughs. "Why not? It would be very lonely to eat alone." And it is she who takes the initiative to cling to the young woman's arm. Millicent softens and manages to meekly smile despite her initial terror. "You remind me of someone. My friend, Eugenie," Eleanore says with a sigh, as they meander into the darkened deck, past cabins and into where the guns are lined up, "she's just as young, and so loyal, and very bright—not just with her insights, but her soul. It truly eases others, you know. Never lose that in you."

Millicent blushes. "Thank you, Captain Ma'am." And the young woman looks up at her, hesitates... before saying, "Did you ever dream of being a pirate?"

Eleanore fiddles with the lace of her skirt. "When I was a child..." And at Millicent's wide eyes, they both laugh. "After that, not truly. I dismissed ever loving the sea so much when... when Papa was lost to her."

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