Chapter 151: Consolation

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March 9th 1720
Present Day
The Queen of Sparta
Salt Key Island

When Aggy emerged from the ladies' cabin, still wiping sleep off her eyes with her healing knuckles, she nearly crashes into a hard torso clad in a shirt and coat. "Watch your goddamn step, man! God. I nearly had a heart atta-"

"Good morning."

Oh, shit. Is it- She blinks and looks up, afraid her foggy mind has conjured up the voice. But before her, Captain Del Santo nods, although he is looking quite like the ghost in his black shirt and coat under the early morning blue hues from the portholes and the still-glowing lanterns overhead.

Aggy cocks her head to the side.

The Captain blinks.

She frowns.

Because this man never went to the lower deck unless he needs to eat; he needs to catch a dozing sailor; or he needs to fetch Eleanore.


"I've come to see Madeline. How is she?"

Aggy makes an "oh" and thinks about it, still half-asleep. "She's doing great," she says with a shrug. "Actually, she's awake, because... you know... Eugenie has to rise early, so we... like... basically..."

Captain Del Santo-Anton-raises both brows at her.

"Yeah, we got up too." Aggy yawns again. "I actually forgot what I should be doin'. You wanna... talk to..." She points to the door, perplexed. Literally, the crew hasn't had a proper sit down about Eleanore-the one woman they are all here for. No memorials. No words. Nothing. Not even from the Captain, who's acting rather odd about it... especially with his attitude in last night's altercation with the other Brethren captains. Something Aggy never quite understood the first time Vic told it to them. "Hm?"

The Captain nods, but points to his equally healing left eye.

Aggy gawks before the Captain brushes it, and then she gasps. "Oh, shit." She hastily plucks the dried mote away. "Told you, I just rose up the bed."

"Were you drinking?" Captain Del Santo grasps the doorknob. "Good morning, Madeline. It's I. Can we talk?"

Goddamn, he's a real aristocrat. Aggy shakes her wonder away and scowls when she remembers what he just said. "Excuse me?"

But he gives her one glance. "If it's not your watch, I suggest you sleep earlier. Sleeping late and drinking will send you to your grave, young lady."

Her skin crawls at the name.

Aggy gasps, "Young lady."

Well, I never!

Her objection must have been too loud, because something changes on the Captain's face, as if he has woken up. "Perdon," the Captain immediately says, "you were introduced to me as Aggy and Agatha, at the same time... I..."

Aggy scowls. "I am no lady, so let's not. Just not. Alright, Cap?"

Captain Del Santo shrugs, but holds out a hand. "Aggy or Agatha?" He says with a little warm smile, and Aggy gawks, not quite believing this is happening... considering the situation they are all in. What is he trying? "Either way suits you."

"Um... I..." She takes the offer and he grips her hand tightly-more like a sailor's shake than a gentleman's, just as Aggy expected. "Honestly? Never really thought of it."

"Agatha, then?" The Captain releases her hand and raises a brow. "Being a woman is not something you should be ashamed of."

"I'm not. It's just that..." Aggy tucks her hands in her pockets, frowning. Is she ashamed of who she is? Or does she truly want to be someone else? "That name's given by my parents." She squirms at the blatant excuse. What the hell am I doing, spilling the beans to your man, Nel? And Aggy rolls her eyes at that, only to sigh as well. Nellie had been the first to know about her parents, the first girl she cried to... This isn't right, girl. You should be here with us. She sniffles. "Yeah. I... Can you stop with 'Agatha'? That'd be really nice if you do."

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