Chapter 191.2: Treasures for a Wedding

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The Queen of Sparta

That afternoon, Maddy is content finishing the last of swaddling clothes by the corner of her bed. Staying there is no problem for her when this is the only place where she could still see the tips of her toes somewhat and feel comfortable. She hums sweetly, smiling, until she notices at the corner of her eye the young girl who has elected to stay with her for the meantime. Eugenie is longingly looking out at the porthole, to the sea outside.

"Oh, Eugenie..." Maddy calls softly, making Eugenie turn to her.  "You can leave me alone, you know. Go on! Stroll Havana. How I envy you." She sighs, piercing the delicate cotton with her needle. "If only my feet weren't swelling this much, I would go out with you. I'll be fine."

Eugenie laughs. "Thanks, Maddy." But the young woman sighs immediately after. "Oh..."

"What's the matter?" Madeline blinks fast and sets the swaddle down. "Eugenie... you have been melancholic lately—"

"It's nothing." Eugenie twists her shirt. "I do not want to really talk about it..." Madeline nods in understanding, but Eugenie sighs. "Another thing though..."


"I have no one to go out with in Havana." Eugenie hugs her knees to her chest and shrugs. Madeline covers her mouth delicately, thoroughly saddened. That touches Eugenie a lot and she smiles. "It's alright! I like being inside anyway."

"A young girl like you shouldn't be so cooped up!"

Eugenie laughs. "That's not what the old women would say."

"They would! Oh, believe me. Young ladies need to see the sun from time to time. If I could, I would have taken you to balls! That's what I do! Nellie, of course, she couldn't... she takes her chance when I... well... send her to errands." Madeline rethinks her analogy while Eugenie giggles. "But you are a sailor! A free girl out here on sea. You should stroll! We must tell Aggy!"

"Maddy! Aggy's... I don't even know where she is." They both laugh and Eugenie embraces her pillow, laying down on the bed dreamily. "I can't wait to sail again though."

Madeline broadly smiles at that. "Oh, you truly are a sailor..." And while she shares that sentiment, Madeline cannot say it. She touches her very round, heavy belly. The baby will come soon. Her adventures... she'll let Nellie tell the rest of it to her then. But oh, how she would have loved to join too.

As they settle into quietness once more, a knock comes.

"Who is it!" Maddy replies, just as Eugenie stands up and unlatches their bolts. When the door opens, her heart stops. Ben's tall form fills the doorway, and he nearly loses his seemingly new hat by bumping his head on it. Maddy winces. "Oooooh." Her cheeks burn. "Did it hurt?"

Eugenie beams. "Ben."

"Eug." Benjamin smiles at their young friend and to Maddy he shyly waves. "A little bit. But it's nothin'."

Eugenie keenly watches them both. All these months, Madeline and Ben have been tiptoeing around their obvious feelings. They have made a good job hiding anything from them all, although Aggy can sniff their love from a mile away. Whenever Ben visits, he's always bringing customers so even if Maddy has a companion, they can chat while the door is open. But if that's the case...

Then they might never have the chance to say what they want to clearly say.

Not wanting to embarrass Ben, she takes her cue to leave, much to Madeline's surprise. "I just remembered!" Eugenie slyly says, ignoring Madeline's wide eyes at her. "I was going to find Aggy! See you later, Maddy! Ben!"

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