Chapter 190.2: Sins of the Fathers

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The Lady of Shallott

On the other end of the pier, Lord Neville returns to his ship, declining lunch, which worried both Millicent and Commodore Crenshaw, until the Commodore is called inside the Governor's cabin, and he finally learns why, as Lord Neville says without a beat, "Commodore, where is the Admiral stationed?"

"Our messenger said Admiral Smith will be sailing toward the Bahamas for now, conduct the patrols... since you are here, Lord Governor." Commodore Crenshaw raises his brows. At the back of his mind, he makes a reminder to go to Eleanore soon, perhaps. "Apart from that, he has not said anything of his plans."

Tinkles of writing implements resound and the Lord Governor, quite unlike of him, is bustling about his desk, searching for papers and, once he found a new ink bottle, is now hastily composing a letter. "Can he be tracked soon? As soon as possible?" Lord Neville does not even look up. "I have an urgent message, Commodore, can he be tracked soon, and how soon?"

"I... yes, Sir." Commodore Crenshaw takes a deep breath. "I'll send our swiftest lad. Expect this to reach the Admiral in three to four days."

Lord Neville straightens up in a sudden and holds his breath, the quill staining his fingers and dripping ink on the paper where he drafted his letter. "Still a good four days before the party..." He murmurs, lost and tenser than Crenshaw has ever seen him. "Very well. I want you to send this to him. And be ready, Commodore, with your fastest sailors. I might need to send the Admiral another missive soon after this."

Commodore Crenshaw promptly nods. "My lord."

With his acknowledgement, Lord Neville then sits down to write his letter properly on a new piece of stationary. My esteemed Admiral Smith, this letter does not bear good tidings. It is not a secret Dela Vega is not for peace, but he is also intent in getting me out of the Bahamas in whatever devious way he could get me to leave... while plunging Havana into moral corruption with the crime he has been planning on the lands within his jurisdiction. Neville stops, overcome. He glances aside, unable to breathe freely. Those slaves, indigenes who have been battered and beaten ever since... He shuts his eyes at the mere thought they will be wiped out mercilessly out of their own land. It sickens him to his gut—

Yet the death sentences on pirates in Nassau that he had stamped with his own hand comes back to him afresh.

Neville grasps his quill tighter. I am not a man of war, but I have read and heard enough of them to see the beginnings of one. If Havana is put into unrest, Bahamas might be spared, but if Dela Vega fails and our own mission is exposed to him, he will make me pay for it by forcible capture of the whole Islands, beginning with New Providence. With all humility

He pauses, heart thumping hard at his own words. Cold sweat breaks out of his brow. Since when had he been humble? Lowering himself to the mercy of a common man who serves at his and the King's command? You foolish idiot, Edmund chastises himself, this is not about you!

With all humility, I am pleading for you to keep majority of your ships in the Bahamas, Neville continues. At least, for the time being, until all is well.

Miss Smith and I have had an argument, but she has given me her word, so I trust she will continue with the mission. The recent developments I heard too, would no doubt be of utmost concern to her. My orders remain as they are for her and her whole crew, including Del Santo. They are within my protection for this whole mission.

I shall be grateful for your protection as well, Admiral. My people in the Bahamas need you in my absence. Do not worry for your daughter

His throat dries up as he gazes at the word. If only it were true, that he is the son-in-law who would have made sure Eleanore is well, giving his word to her father. Knowing her, however, she would just tell him she is fine on her own.

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