Chapter 176: All Our Cards on the Table

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Dotty and Bertha turn out to be middle-aged women, perhaps as old as Mama had she lived. They are both giddy at helping Eleanore soak in the copper tub. "We ne'er 'ad a female guest, Ma'am!" Bertha says as she stacks hot towels and hands Eleanore a bar of soap, while Dotty washes both Torkin and Poco in one bucket a few feet away. "Congratulations, I say! 'Tis 'bout time for Lord Edmund to get a lady for 'imself!"

"Oh no! Pppf—!" Eleanore nearly sinks in the bubbles in surprise. "No! I'm married already!" At the womens' surprise, Eleanore scratches her head. "The Lord Governor and I are just... acquaintances."

Dotty gawps. "But why is he callin' ye Miss Sm—" Bertha glares at her. "Aye, not me place. Sorry, Miss."

"Pardon us, Miss. Ye do look like ye make a good wife." Bertha lays on thick, but her earnest smile tells Eleanore she means it. "And aye, too bad! We'd love to 'ave a lady straightenin' up the mansion in Nassau town."

Dotty laughs. "A lady will never want to live there, B!" She scrubs Poco's ears so much the dog scowls at her, but Dotty valiantly continues. "Nassau's a place for us humble maids and them harlots. Even Lady Longbourne left. I couldna blame her. She shouldna never married that monster of a man! Too sweet, the poor dove. He caged her!"

Oh, Maddy. I left you again... what kind of a friend am I? Eleanore quietly washes her hair and rubs her skin a final time. How is your baby now, even? Oh no... She closes her eyes. Anton.

Tell me you've helped them all.

"Ach!" Bertha throws her hands in the air and opens the porthole. "'Tis why El Diablo did us all a good! Imagine the girls that Longbourne would 'ave ruined and beaten! He was a menace!"

Eleanore tenses and quietly meets Torkin and Poco's eyes from her tub. Torkin gulps so much, while Poco, who doesn't know anything, just playfully pokes out his tiny tongue. She nervously smiles... El Diablo did us all a good!

Yet all Eleanore could ever remember is the haunted look in Anton's eyes, and even if he has deadened himself already to all his crimes... she cannot forget the way he goes quiet whenever he is reminded of what he has done, not only with Longbourne or how Maddy is now in danger of living in poverty, but also with the others, enemies and traitors he had to eliminate along the way. Her hands drop to icy coldness.

For what could he have done while she was away?

"B, dinna talk 'bout barbarians in front of the lady," Dotty says thoughtfully and smiles Eleanore's way, which she weakly returns. "Lord Neville is very keen on catchin' 'im, Miss!"

I know. Restless now, Eleanore finishes washing and stands up, protecting her chest that Bertha helpfully covers her with a towel. "Oh, thank you." She accepts the help and steps out, all fresh and new. Eleanore cannot help but smile despite it. "So, what do you truly think of El Diablo?" She raises a brow and dries herself down, while Poco and Torkin also help each other trim themselves. "As a barbarian."

The maids are more than happy to give their opinions.

"I dare say 'e's not what 'e seems!" Bertha raises a finger, while also attempting to catch the bulk of her wet black hair. "They say 'e's a Spanish Conde!"

"If 'e is, 'e is even worse!" Dotty squirms. "These rich men just like killin' and playin' us." She shakes her head and immediately swivels, "But not ye, Miss! I reckon ye got a good husband..." Bertha narrows her eyes again at Dotty. "Oh no. Sorry, Miss."

"No, no..." Eleanore sighs deeply, for she probably knows firsthand what it is like to be played and hurt by so many rich men in her life. John Rogers, Longbourne, Neville. That dark female spirit even used them to taunt her before. And, of course, Anton has, at certain points, but somehow, she knows he has never even thought of manipulating her or cheating her. He was too honorable, but his darkness blots over his kindness, especially in other people's eyes. El Diablo is the one all of you only got to see...

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