Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Enrico Pucci x Male Reader

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<All characters are 18 years or older, all photos are from Jojo anime.>

<WARNING FOR: Religious talk, if you uncomfortable with that stuff, don't read. Spoilers for Stone Ocean as well. >

In the chapel of the Green Dolphin Street Prison, you sat anxiously on the pew closest to the pulpit where the father would preach. The sun was able to shine through the small windows there were high above the pulpit, casting shadows of the bars that covered them to prevent any inmates from breaking and escaping through them.

???: "Is there something wrong, (Y/n)?"

You looked to your side to see Pucci, coming out from behind one of pillars that stood on either side of the pews.

Pucci: "You looked tense during the sermon. Something on your mind?"

You were the only inmate who actually attends his sermons, most people just speak to him in hopes of him recommending them to the parole board. So it wasn't a surprised he noticed you were anxious.

(Y/n): "I... I'm just worried, I guess."

He moved to sit down next to you, looking at you with a warm smile, trying to make you feel comfortable.

Pucci: "Why is that?"

You let out an anxious filled sigh.

(Y/n): "Just... the whole situation about... "Attaining Heaven"."

Pucci nodded.

Pucci: "What is it specifically that worries you?"

A lot of things worried you about his plan, from how he would go about doing to what he would do if faced with obstacles to his ultimate goal. So many worries filled your mind, but you were able to pick out one that he may understand the most.

(Y/n): "I just feel like you are making the same mistake Eve did. Dio tells you that everything could be better if you did just one thing, just like how the Devil told Eve things would be better if she ate the fruit. But all it ended with humanity learning of suffering and death."

Pucci nodded with a smile on his face, happy that you were remembering the stories the Bible told.

Pucci: "I remember when I first took you in, you found the Bible boring. Not bothering to remember any of it at all. But now you can retell the tales almost as well as I do."

Years ago, you were abandoned by seemingly everyone, left to rot away with no purpose in life. But Pucci took you in, cared for you, gave your life meaning, eventually leading to the two of you to fall in love. But once he learned of Dio's steps to attaining heaven, he started to change. Pucci was no longer the caring man who wanted to become a priest to help others, he wanted to do anything and everything to attain heaven for humanity. Disregarding the life's of others, viewing everyone as either an obstacle or an ally in his mission.

Pucci: "So you also must know the tales of suffering humanity went through to die and have their soul return to heaven. The suffering to attain heaven is just apart of life, as God intended. As for your lack of trust in Dio's words, do not worry. I read his journal and once I get Jotaro Kujo's memory disk, I will figure out how to attain Heaven, rid the world of any suffering so we can all be happy."

His hand moved to interlace his fingers with yours, looking up at the stain glass windows that were somewhat covered by the bars.

You didn't know what to think. This man saved your life, cared for you when no one else would, loved you for who you are. You worried that he might end up damning himself to Hell for his actions if he was wrong and making countless people suffer because of his decisions.

But what if he was right? Could he be justified murdering a few or even a million people if the rest of humanity got to live with no suffering and only happiness? Was it wrong to think that it's unfair that a person must live a hard, miserable life to be rewarded with pure bliss in the afterlife? Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but you still couldn't ever put yourself in his shoes, make the decisions he made even with the idea of the entire of humanity being able to live without any sort of suffering.

Pucci: "I can still see that you are uneasy."

He noticed how your legs nervously shook, along with you grabbing onto his hand like you were a lost child, not knowing where to go.

Pucci: "But know this."

He moved his hand to gently cup your cheek, turning your head to face him.

Pucci: "It doesn't matter if you are my ally or enemy, I cannot blame you for uncertanty. With fate on my side, I will attain heaven for us and the entirety of humanity no matter what."

He leaned in, giving you a kiss filled with nothing but love and passion. You returned the kiss, knowing regardless of what happens, you will still always love him.

God has already seen how this story will end, all you could do was wait and make your decisions to either chase the Pucci's goal with him to free humanity of suffering or stop him for not only his sake, but the world's. But regardless of what your choose, Pucci knows you'll be of use to him.


(To be honest, I don't even find him really attractive. Just thought his character was really interesting.)

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